Example sentences of "up [prep] [noun sg] [conj] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He sat up in bed and heard the singing of a solitary bird in the tree outside his window .
2 One day Bernard sat up in bed and noticed the bruises on his wife 's neck .
3 Alice heaved herself up in bed and sipped the tea .
4 He looked up in bewilderment and noticed the self-assurance had gone from her eyes .
5 Visitors often pop into reception , one caller recently brought in a vole wrapped up in paper and asked the girls advice as to what to do with it .
6 Isa reached up on tip-toe and took a white cloth from the top of the gleaming tea-urn .
7 Then Neva had a better idea ; she looked up to heaven and saw the mighty sun travelling across the sky overhead , darting his gold rays down like arrows .
8 My grandfather taught me necessary skills : how to tip my tea into my saucer and blow waves across it until it was cool enough to drink ; how to cut an orange in half crossways and pack a sugar lump into each half and then suck out orange-juice and sugar together ; how to walk along the crazy-paving garden path without stepping On any of the cracks or a tiger would get you ; how to butter the loaf and then clutch it to your chest and then shave off paper-thin slices ; what saint to pray to when you woke up at night and saw the devil moving behind the curtains .
9 One in which , on a single day , he could have been rounded up at bayonet-point or celebrated a cigarette .
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