Example sentences of "up [prep] [adj] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was a calm , windless and hazy morning as we left Clapham and headed up through two dark tunnels along the old Drove Road of Thwaite Lane , a continuation of the medieval monastic highway that crossed the Dales , linking the lands of Fountains Abbey .
2 This initial contact can then be followed up through subsequent casual encounters in the street or at the local shops , and through an invitation to a coffee-chat or meal to meet other neighbours .
3 We roped up for one awkward pitch before reaching the summit , which was now cloaked in thick mist , the weather deteriorating rapidly .
4 Sometimes it is through a mysterious inner constraint that he makes his presence felt , as when he guided Paul 's evangelistic direction away from the province of Asia in 16:6,7 and towards the hardships and opposition he realised he would have to face if he went up for that last journey to Jerusalem ( Acts 20:22,23 ) .
5 In short , therefore , by 1939 pressure had built up for certain strategic solutions to the problems of London and the big cities .
6 In sharing the Reds ' upset win in that national trial he proved a bit of success as a distributor and made two scorching breaks which hinted at a swashbuckling touch to his nature : ‘ I was very keen to make a good impression in the trial because it took place a week after my ‘ B ’ debut against Ireland and I wanted to make up for two particular errors in that game .
7 After a Bible reading , usually by the headmaster , Mr Herbert Dennis , mornings consisted of six lesson periods , interrupted by a break during which the students queued up for two half slices of bread known as ‘ geordie . ’
8 Adrian Littlejohn had given United side a 61st minute lead to make up for two earlier misses from Brian Deane as the home side took a grip on the game .
9 Snapped up for hter obvious talent by Hollywood , Palcy held fast to her idea of making a movie about South Africa .
10 Emotional maturation is arrested during the active phase of addictive disease and therefore the counsellor who is in recovery will need to have made up for this lost time for emotional development .
11 But Hackney made up for those heart-stopping moments with 100 per cent willingness to try anything and his 200 per cent determination for the team cause .
12 And Labour has friends in the advertising industry who will try to spot advertising space being bought up for fake corporate campaigns by pro-Tory companies for May or June .
13 He was due to read his own poems , but he prefaced the performance with remarking how extraordinary he found it that students obliged to attend lectures should want to turn up for more such talk after hours .
14 The rest is , of course , made up of many different types of TNCs .
15 In July 1991 the Ledingham-Smiths ' Trustee in Bankruptcy sought repayment of £16,000 , made up of four monthly payments of £1,000 within the relevant period of six months and the three payments of £4,000 .
16 Duane Rumbaugh 's training of Lana , and other chimpanzees notably Austin and Sherman , to use a computer keyboard made up of small rectangular screens upon which visual , iconic-like , symbols of lines , circles , and dots can be displayed .
17 A programme of study and tests was started in 1979 under Michel Parent , France 's Inspector General of Historic Monuments , which revealed that the church was made up of five different types of limestone , all of which reacted differently to pollution .
18 ‘ Futility ’ , unlike Owen 's other poems is made up of two regular stanzas of 7 lines each .
19 I particularly like the Sword-Handle in Perseus , made up of two rich clusters in the same binocular field , and the Jewel Box in the Southern Cross , where most of the leading members are bluish but there is one red star which stands out .
20 This extract is made up of two consecutive speeches to Jessica ; either speech can be played for an audition , but if you have the time to do them both together the extract works well .
21 CAMPAIGN comes with a series of ready made scenarios , made up of 16 Simple Campaigns with about 30 vehicles involved , plus 4 Average Campaigns ( including a Battle of the Bulge ‘ extract ’ ) , to the main event — 5 Complex Campaigns , which include two day scenarios , and a Kursk battle featuring over 3000 tanks and other armoured vehicles ! ! !
22 confirming their readiness to reinforce security , in particular by adopting effective arms control , disarmament and confidence-building measures ; their willingness not to regard each another as adversaries but to work for a relationship of trust and co-operation ; and accordingly their readiness to consider positively the setting up of appropriate institutional arrangements within the framework of the CSCE ;
23 Plans by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( EBRD ) to assist the clean up of environmental black spots in former communist countries are being impeded by a rule which says that the Bank can not lend more than 40 per cent of its funds to finance state projects .
24 A very important function appears to be the discussion and rationalisation of conflicting demands for materials made upon local councils and the drawing up of agreed minimum lists of equipment .
25 The Thai-Myanma Regional Co-ordinating Committee , made up of senior military officers from both countries , held its first meeting in the northern Thai town of Chiang Mai on Sept. 18-20 , 1989 .
26 All members are skilled craftsmen and women , who have the back up of old established Association with a reputation for having members who do goo work at a fair price .
27 The complex is made up of three different types of subunit each with its own enzymic activity .
28 This total ‘ envelope ’ , as the Treasury calls it , is made up of three different kinds of grant , as follows :
29 These results show that the magnetosheath-like plasma precipitation was , in fact , made up of three poleward-moving events from an extended sequence of such features .
30 What that review achieved was the compartmentalization of the Health Service , the breaking up of health authorities , from health authority into units , and the heading up of those particular units by , by general managers .
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