Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [subord] [pron] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He walked to his car and did not look back or glance in her direction as he drove quickly out of the drive .
2 ‘ Just remember , ’ he shot a look in her direction as he set aside his half-empty cup and strode towards the door , ‘ that we 're supposed to be on parade , Dr Blake , not enjoying ourselves . ’
3 She was feeling pleased with her progress when she walked in on a typical scene on the terrace of room 216 .
4 She stared at him as he sipped his lager , thinking it was a shame his compassion for handicapped people had n't extended to her sister when she had most needed him .
5 She felt cold , and folded her arms across her chest as she walked slowly back to the house , looking down at the bloodstained front step .
6 No — that would be too much to expect , she decided with a pang of misery that made her blink as she turned over the food .
7 In any case , she was too busy attacking the contents of her briefcase when she got home to have gone out with him , even if he had asked her — which he had n't .
8 She had herself spent several weeks alone in her cottage when she had just bought it and when she returned to mix with people she had found that her vocabulary had deserted her , that without stimulation she had completely lost the art of conversation , had been able only to mutter inanities in monosyllabic form .
9 ‘ I 'll show you tonight , ’ he whispered roughly in her ear and followed that threat up by nibbling at her earlobe till she giggled helplessly .
10 A street light caught the softness of her hair as she got out of the cab at 14th .
11 The whole morning became encapsulated in the smell of grass , the sound of the tyres and the wind blowing her hair as she went faster and faster .
12 ‘ There 's a bruise , ’ he told her curtly , releasing her hair as she pulled away from him defensively , the inner disturbance that was her inevitable response to his lightest touch suddenly infuriating her .
13 Her attraction had only grown ; he found himself trying to smell her hair when they sat together in pubs , he gazed out of the comer of his eye at her breasts under whatever jumper or T-shirt she was wearing , wanting to touch them .
14 But her she do n't spend her money because she do n't get nuffink at the end of the day .
15 Jessica felt sweat break out fresh on her skin as they walked in .
16 She had pulled down her veil as she sat down , hitched up her skirt to show pretty feet in high-heeled shoes , and lit a cigarette .
17 ‘ Please , ’ she replied , but she was grateful to him that he did not hurry her but allowed her to look her fill before they set off through a pathway of more trees and green parkland .
18 She paused , taking a deep breath and straightening her backbone as she glared furiously at him .
19 I was only about five and a half when she too died after a long illness and one of my earliest recollections is riding in the well , at the foot of her bath-chair when she went out for constitutionals .
20 She tried to put him out of her mind while she drove along and had almost succeeded when she pulled up outside the surgery and saw a car standing in the yard .
21 She 'd give Gloria a piece of her mind when she got home !
22 The ‘ how ’ of it occupied her mind as she stared out of the window , yet she had come to no definite conclusions when the sonorous drone of the engines made her eyelids start to droop .
23 The words swarmed through her mind as she glared furiously back at him , but somehow she could n't bring herself to say them .
24 AS another week begins , every working mum today has an extra worry on her mind as she drops off her children at the childminder 's or leaves them with a nanny .
25 She felt a deep flush of embarrassment crawl up her neck as she gauged how far the sound of her and Mandy 's conversation might have carried .
26 The bathwater lapped gently up around her neck as she slid deeper .
27 Did she have her tea before she went out like ?
28 The other girl made no attempt to hide her disgust as she turned back to the books lying before her on the table , and Rory felt her spirits sink still further as she headed for the door .
29 Later , brain-fatigue smearing her concentration as she tried yet again to make the balance positive : I 'm not wrong .
30 Fabia reached Ven 's suite and let herself in , walked across the sitting-room and into her bedroom where she sat down on the edge of the bed , and felt , for the moment , defeated .
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