Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [conj] [subord] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Cathy was continuing her inspection as though she would make an inventory .
2 Shannon dropped her head into her hands , raking her fingers through her hair as though they could strip her mind of its suddenly restless , feverish thoughts .
3 For there was tenderness in him , no doubt about that , Lisa reflected as they reached the foot of the path and headed across the rocky moonlit beach , his arm around her waist as though nothing could be more natural .
4 She felt his arms snake round her waist and before she could gain a purchase on the yielding upholstery he had pulled her close to his side .
5 Some supporters of her National Opposition Coalition , known as U N O cheered dutifully , others booed her announcement that although she would take over as Minister of Defence , General Ortega was staying on .
6 She did not want to go to her parents through fear of her father and because she might run into her baby 's father .
7 His lips savaged hers , his hand kneading the tender flesh at her hip as though he would make her one with him .
8 Then his hands were cupping her face and before she could argue or gather her wits , he had taken her startled mouth with his own .
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