Example sentences of "who were [adj] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But the plains , savannahs , rivers and hills , all the way from Samburu down to the Masai Steppe , proved fruitful and the Masai built up their strength through the acquisition of women and cattle so successfully that they chased out the other tribes who were obliged to cling to the mountains or secrete themselves in the forests , land useless for cattle .
2 In almost every European State the majority of the more important diplomatic posts were filled by aristocrats , sometimes great aristocrats , who were unwilling to submit to the drudgery of specialized training and often unable to acquire large amounts of specialized knowledge .
3 As one who joined the Leader of the Opposition in voting against the Single European Act , before the right hon. Gentleman became a Euro-fanatic , may I appeal to my right hon. Friend to warn the voters about the huge dangers to the much-improved labour relations of Britain if they were to vote into power any Government who were prepared to pass over the power to wreck our trade union reforms by majority vote in Brussels ?
4 It was clear to the classical writers that there were tens of thousands of workers who were unemployed and who were prepared to work at the going ( real or money ) wage rate .
5 Bruce , however , laid waste the country ahead of the English forces , who were unable to live off the land .
6 Others were purchased cheaply for agricultural use by villagers who were willing to do without the sale vouchers which were sometimes required by the government .
7 And he wanted all the girls who were interested to come to the great city .
8 However , because the New Range project is very recent in history , it was possible to interview key participants who were able to elaborate on the minutiae of the planning process .
9 An armada of small private boats and a flotilla of naval vessels sailed to the rescue ; more than three hundred and fifty thousand men were saved , men who were able to return to the battle against Hitler 's armies in Europe and Africa .
10 They were very very reliable because erm , the motive power was in a motor , electric motor , not a lot of parts to go wrong but er once you started the motor buses they had to send people away to be taught the mechanics of motor buses , so you had the old die-hards of the fetters , trolley buses , who never did take to motor buses and course the younger ones came into their own then , who were able to adapt to the modern motor bus .
11 NOW that the World Cup is over and we are back to the league games again , I think that all rugby supporters who were able to go to the matches or to watch it on television must admit that rugby was the winner .
12 Thus , owners who were forced to sell their land to public authorities considered themselves to be very badly treated in comparison with those who were able to sell at the enhanced prices resulting in part from planning restrictions on other sites .
13 In 186 B.C. there were Galatian mercenaries in Egypt who were able to announce to the world in perfect Greek from the little temple of Horus in Abydos " We of the corps of the Galatians have come and have captured a fox " ( Bitten berger , OGIS 757 ) .
14 Intellectual stimulation was not easy , but the care manager came up with a group of volunteers , all of them computer buffs , who were able to communicate with the man on his level .
15 Apart from the 270 000 people of Hull there were only another 300 000 in the whole area who were likely to travel to the city for its shops and services .
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