Example sentences of "who had just [vb pp] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would inflict special damage on a person who had just posted a business letter the purpose of which would be defeated by any exceptional delay .
2 A marriage between foreign nationals from different countries and of different religions would have been difficult enough in settled times , but it was rendered much more complicated now by the fact that whatever my family 's record might have been with regard to the Fascist party , my mother , my father and I were enemy aliens who had just lost a war .
3 Miller found himself playing the role of her doctor , manager , analyst and trouble-shooter with an increasingly frustrated , impatient and high-handed Olivier , who was having marital problems himself with the mentally troubled Vivien Leigh , who had just announced a miscarriage at the age of forty-one .
4 ‘ I 'm not rushing out to get more players , ’ said Gray , who had just rejected a bid of £175,000 for Willis from Motherwell .
5 It was the following weekend and Rachel was helping her father , who had just given the lawn its last cut before winter , to dispose of the grass cuttings on the compost heap at the bottom of the garden .
6 L. C. Knights , who had just joined the University , had written a famous essay on ‘ How many children had Lady Macbeth ? ’ )
7 ‘ A remarkable recovery , ’ drawled a young woman who had just joined the group .
8 In the Groeger and Chapman study the films were each viewed by 48 subjects who had just completed a drive around Cambridge with a local driving instructor .
9 It was amazing how much Eliot knew about history , as I , who had just completed a History degree , my second qualification , had reason to know .
10 Dalglish wore the demeanour of a man who had just discovered the cat had been sick in his slippers .
11 Mandy was peering through the binoculars with the intensity of an army scout who had just discovered the enemy , and with a defeated sigh Charity let her own gaze drift in the same direction .
12 Certainly the Man who had just opened the door of Woil 's cage had his attention distracted by the shout .
13 ‘ How about something really radical on the dangers of sunbathing without blocker ? ’ said Helena , who had just found a mole on her arm which had definitely not been there at the beginning of the summer .
14 On my next visit to Southampton I tried in vain for a chat with the young man who had just won a match for Hampshire and deserved to bask in a discreet amount of praise .
15 But — and here 's the point — second billing was given to a young Austrian lad of 17 who had just won the title of Junior Mr Universe .
16 I recall that on this occasion there were present — besides Geoffrey Faber and other members of his staff — Dylan Thomas , William Empson , A. L. Rowse , Charles Madge , Babette Deutsch ( who had just published a book called This Modern Poetry ) , and some Faber and Criterion authors .
17 In 1613 , therefore , he gave up his Fellowship and left for the Continent in the suite of the Princess Elizabeth , who had just married the Elector Frederick of the Rhine .
18 She talked about her niece , Gwen , who had just married an auctioneer , and about the child of another niece , who had something the matter with his ears .
19 She took a deep breath , forced herself not to feel intimidated by the exceptionally well-groomed woman who had just entered the boutique , and ventured in .
20 Elizabeth Woodville turned round , her attention diverted towards servants who had just entered the hall with some more of her possessions .
21 Breeze turned to glance at the man who had just entered the shop , and saw that it was Roger Kenyon .
22 All except Marie , who had just had a baby ; and my brother and Roddy McDowall .
23 She was going to Birmingham to stay with her sister who had just had a baby girl .
24 Suzanne , my wife , who had just had a baby , drove three hours twice a day to see me .
25 The designer was Margaret Kaye , who had just had an exhibition of collages made with fabric , and she used a similar technique to try to provide the mixture of fantasy and realism needed to match the ballet .
26 We owe it to the people of my own borough of Hillingdon , where only a week or so ago a teenager who had just stolen a car killed himself when he drove it into a tree at nearly 100 mph .
27 I did n't know who the guy riding it was , but through my police issue 200 × 6000 macroscopic laser-prism binoculars I could see he was the same guy who had just bopped the doorman in the head .
28 A former soldier named Ghanim Jaber , who had just left the army , said : ‘ It 's not surprising that we are afraid , but we had something to resist them with . ’
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