Example sentences of "who have [vb pp] [adv prt] from the " in BNC.

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1 Anyone who has visited a newspaper office in the last five years with expectations from cinematic memories of Citizen Kane or who has struggled back from the newsagent on a Sunday morning with a sample of what is laughably offered as a ‘ leisurely read ’ will know that much has changed .
2 It certainly was a disgusting display from a man who has bowed out from the game very publicly .
3 Saints will be fired up under new boss John McClelland , who has taken over from the sacked Alex Totten .
4 The problem pupils who 've come back from the brink .
5 The derelict gardens were rescued by Davyd , who had moved down from the mountains of Wales to the plains of East Anglia , but remained very Welsh , his accent giving authority to everything he said .
6 You had to be the , the perfect woman who was one , who had grown up from the little girl of the eighteen-thirties who was all bouncy and skippy and optimistic ; now she had to be very quiet , she was admired for her innocence , for her delicate nature and her dainty physique .
7 In 1981 , for example , a jockey who had fought back from the depths of cancer partnered a horse which had twice spent months with a hind leg in plaster .
8 Last month PHILIP VANN looked at artists who had come up from the mines to become artists ; in this issue he concentrates on those artists who went down to the pit to paint
9 They were by now in Piccadilly Circus , which was as bright as day , and were surrounded by the crowds streaming from the theatres , cafés and dives which populated the area , painted ladies of a certain character being prominent among them — as well as the enthusiastic amateurs who had come up from the East End to make a few pennies , or even be given supper , as a price for their favours .
10 The volatility of the Cusqueños coupled with the increasing pressure among them of poor campesinos who had come down from the Andes to seek a better life stood in ironic contrast to the rigid panoply of the state ; a situation brought home to me on Easter Sunday .
11 Meantime , back at the Bourne , the crowd were treated to a display of power tennis from Duncan Knight who had come down from the David Lloyd Centre with Onny Parun .
12 Bernard Mullan , one of the Fascists who had come down from the Chelsea headquarters , was under arrest .
13 Apart from her father and her brother Niall who had come down from the watchtower , she was the tallest person present , and her fine clothes lent her a new self-confidence .
14 Not surprisingly , the stars of the night series final were the player who had come back from the World Cup .
15 He was being heckled , jeered and booed by the vast majority , which included several hundred workers who had driven up from the Midlands ' plants to influence the vote .
16 As many as 300,000 people , many of them farming families who have flooded in from the villages , are clamouring for survival .
17 However , for the nine students who have progressed through from the college 's National Certificate programme into the HNC course , it is all a very serious business .
18 The fact is that the people who have lost out from the erosion of children 's allowances have also lost in other ways .
19 They should also be in frequent contact with all of the somewhat numerous organisations involved in the rural development of the Western Isles , and with the admirable young people who have come back from the mainland to work at the grass-roots level .
20 The majority of domestic workers are young women without any formal education who have come in from the countryside .
21 I do n't know who 's got through from the other games , but we 'll take anyone on really I think .
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