Example sentences of "who have [vb pp] [adj] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 A young mother living in a damp flat with unheated bedrooms where the mould appears in charcoal blots across the wall , has a child who has suffered several bouts of pneumonia and now has chest convulsions .
2 Christie will be bridesmaid when Anna Moore , who has served ten years of a life sentence , marries a loyalist killer , Bobby Corry , who is serving life for killing three people in a pub bombing in 1972 .
3 Paul Mayewski of the University of New Hampshire , who has compared current levels of sulphur dioxide with those after volcanic eruptions , said : " I would say that we 're underestimating the effect of warming due to carbon dioxide because we 're dumping so much sulphur dioxide into the system " .
4 So what does 1991 hold for the man who has survived several years of mental agony and still found the strength to come smiling through ?
5 However in South Armagh the security forces are understood to be facing a blank wall in their search for an IRA sniper who has killed three members of the security forces and for the IRA 's mortar team .
6 Rita is a machine knitter of 20 years ' standing who has taught many techniques of the craft .
7 She wrote to Miss Betty Vacani , the legendary dance teacher who has taught three generations of royal children , and asked if there was a vacancy for a student ballet teacher at grade two level .
8 It sounds like a man who has squashed five centuries of a nation 's literature in his palm .
9 The liberal in question is journalist Ruth , a South African who has ended seven years of English exile ostensibly in order to visit her elderly father .
10 Among its assets are the Grand Theatre , its charmingly over-decorated and atmospheric Leeds home , with an Italianate intimacy to its horseshoe-shaped auditorium ; an orchestra and chorus , young in heart , age , and sound , who seems to get better every time I hear them ; and a musical director , David Lloyd-Jones , who has done twelve years of sterling service and will be promisingly succeeded in August by Paul Daniel .
11 Somebody who has spent 40 years of his life working for the Scottish Transport Group would receive two thirds of his pensionable salary on retirement .
12 There is a professionally qualified Staff of three in the Learning Support Department , , who has had many years of experience here at Heriot 's , both in the Junior School and in Learning Support ; ; who has more recently joined us after several years experience in Learning Support in other schools ; and who , as Head of Department and an experienced educational psychologist , is responsible for the assessment of our pupils and for the planning of their programmes within the Department .
13 Today 's readings are taken from a book called A Cup of Water written by Janet Lacey who has devoted many years of her life to working for Christian Aid .
14 So obviously managers , who 've given some members of their staff trunk access 3 , which is very low , which is Oxford , can say to their staff , ‘ Right , phone New York , phone Florence , phone this , phone that , and get me a list of all these things ’ , and they can do it , because the system does n't look for their code , does n't look for their limiting trunks , erm trunk access code 40 , everybody can use system abbreviated numbers , hash 6 .
15 I can bring along the statements of these people who 've said all sorts of things , you can you know put down at once but they 're not put down .
16 I mean we provide a group environment for people who 've had psychiatric illnesses of various kinds in the past , and with a view to giving them something useful to do , something constructive and I hope , pleasurable , with a positive end product as well , which we then proceed to sell .
17 Police are hunting a gang of armed robbers who 've invaded three homes of people in their eighties .
18 The term " senior dealer " was generally understood to apply only to those who had achieved certain levels of business which would usually take at least three months .
19 The younger children , who had completed nine years of school but who were not quite old enough to join the Hechalutz training programme , combined a half-day study syllabus with agricultural work .
20 About 400 sick conscripts were discharged ( this having been one of the demonstrators ' demands ) , as were those who had served 18 months of their two-year service .
21 His conjecture , then , is just one way of making sense of certain anatomical facts across species , evolutionary hypotheses , and observations of impairments of linguistic functions on the part of human patients who had suffered different sorts of damage to their brains .
22 ‘ If she was so miserable , why was she always smiling ? ’ asked the man who had printed more pictures of Diana than any man alive .
23 I was surprised to find that Mr Summerfield had known the first Station Master of Bishop 's Castle , Elisha Edwin Owen — it was a thrill to speak to someone who had received first-hand memories of the start of the Railway .
24 A detailed questionnaire was sent to all patients ( n=44 ) who had received 12 months of prompts — that is , five separate prompts — by May 1989 to elicit their views on the acceptability of these arrangements .
25 Tattooist David Ayres , 28 — who had downed 12 pints of cider before the attack — walked out cradling the dog in his arms .
26 Ursodeoxycholic acid — In a large but uncontrolled study from Bologna , Villanova et al reported recurrence rates in 86 patients who had had 96 episodes of gall stone dissolution ( in 10 , recurrent stones were dissolved with a further course of oral bile acid treatment ) .
27 But even though they guaranteed to provide every customer who had allowed three quarters of an hour er for a meal , you know , you would have to lay down in very great deal would n't you ?
28 It is a remarkable picture of a man who had experienced all sorts of difficulties and dangers … but was determined to go on .
29 Decades had passed with no contact and yet here were the people who had shared seven years of my adolescence ; seven years climbing the same wall bars , sitting on the same grass , staring at the same view of Box Hill out of the window .
30 I fell through the door with Marius and immediately started talking to a former member of the British Parachute Regiment who had known some friends of mine .
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