Example sentences of "who have [verb] [pers pn] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 By and large , the more important a command ( importance being judged by the size of territorial authority , or , more appropriately in time of peace , by the numbers of men involved ) the more likely it was to be given to a man who had achieved it as a result of attendance at court .
2 His friend Dr Burney , not a Cambridge man , expressed similar concern at Smart 's lack of discretion : ‘ While he was the pride of Cambridge and the chief poetical ornament of that University , he ruined himself by returning the tavern treats of strangers who had invited him as a wit and an extraordinary personage , in order to boast of his acquaintance ’ .
3 The audience who had loved him as a stage juvenile were themselves growing old , and could not fail to notice the signs of ageing in their idol .
4 Hawk nodded to his father , the man who had tutored him as a Dreamwalker , and was not acknowledged .
5 Gilbert Scott had said that it was ‘ on the whole , my finest church ’ , but Colonel Akroyd , who had built it as the centrepiece of his remarkable village of Akroyd , had never sufficiently endowed it .
6 I sat on one of those contemporary chairs with spindly legs and talked to a poor woman who had got me as a prize for writing something about A Wreath of Roses .
7 The servants had taken pity on Alexandra , old Elsie especially who had nursed her as a baby and who now kept the linen cupboard , and helped in the kitchen ; and she had learned that her mother had married beneath her , far beneath , but that being over thirty and a cripple , she was , in a sense , lucky even to get James Abbott , if a man was what she wanted besides all she had already , castle and land and sheep .
8 Yet it never occurred to John , as his mother aged , that she might be in need of any help , until a visitor from Johannesburg , who had known him as a boy , told him that she was hard up , after which lie made her an allowance .
9 Barbara was wonderful : unlike some people who had known him as a child , she treated him as an adult .
10 I went to Dubai and called on several prominent figures who had known him as a local businessman .
11 It becomes less important to Picasso later on but it is something which is constant for Matisse and it has always been recognised by critics who have described him as a painter 's painter .
12 The partial ban has angered environmentalists and farm workers who have described it as a " cheap ploy " to allow Cheminova Agro to continue to produce 60 per cent of its current annual output of the pesticide .
13 Usually , those who have espoused it as a goal have had little interest in the idea of equalizing all the pupils of a school or an educational system , or indeed all the people in a particular country .
14 Bonar Law has usually received a bad press from historians , who have portrayed him as a hard , dour , humourless fanatic .
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