Example sentences of "who have [verb] [adv] of the " in BNC.

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1 But it is Damon , fourth from the top , who has vaulted ahead of the others , thanks to the cutting-edge characters he developed for Keenan 's show : an angry circus clown , a flamboyant film reviewer , and , riskiest of all , Handiman , ah , uh , differently abled super-hero .
2 Make a Fel test for the character who has done most of the talking .
3 I did n't find out he was the artist who 'd done all of the paintings until the end of the conversation and that was basically what ended the conversation : I just ran off !
4 Meanwhile the argument between the vegetarians and the farmers over who 'd chickened out of the original challenge goes on .
5 The Belgian , who had popped out of the clinches to snatch narrow verdicts in three mass sprint finishes , settled the race with a remarkable show in the 40km time trial .
6 One evening in their local pub , the Dog & Rabbit , an old gentleman who had moved out of the district on retirement , returned to visit his daughter who lived in the area .
7 Sarah , who had leaned out of the window to see the house , sat down again , smiling and blinking at the water drawn into her eyes by the cold and the wind .
8 He listened to Nigel Cramer for several minutes , nodded and gave his own orders to the dozen men who had clambered out of the second and third helicopters .
9 Bertie Ahern , who had dropped out of the leadership contest to assure Reynolds of victory , remained Finance Minister .
10 ‘ Lovat was enquiring about you earlier on , Piper , ’ shouted one of the medics who had come out of the barn to tend to the wounded .
11 We had just come out of a 12.30 matinee and the street was burning in the sun and those who had come out of the theatre was cool and real but the others in the street were moving in a white light that had them like shadows .
12 He followed her , howling and swearing , so that Teresa , who had come out of the kitchen at the tremendous noise , cowered against the door and put up her arms to protect herself from what she believed would be an attack .
13 In it Christian psychiatrists , care workers , medical experts , ministers and those who had come out of the occult scene , spoke of the appalling wake of damage left by the occult .
14 I was certainly an interesting sight for the Lilliputians , who had come out of the city in crowds of several thousand to see me .
15 The rescript is of great utility in ensuring that the honour of a happily concluded marriage and indeed the faith of common children should not deceive a father who had thought better of the mother : therefore the emperor , most provident and most devoted to the cause of law , when he observed that the words of a trust were lacking , ruled by rescript that this expression should be treated as a trust .
16 The policeman , who had materialised out of the hedgerow when she approached the churchyard , had had her name written in his notebook .
17 The surgery is a new base for five doctors who have moved out of the adjacent Netherton Health Centre .
18 Indeed , it is a concept that is generally blind to the very people who have done most of the work in such areas — agricultural workers .
19 It is not just a matter of the tens of thousands who have streamed out of the country in recent weeks , via Budapest , Prague and Warsaw .
20 Would it not be more cost-effective to use auxiliary jet pilots who have come out of the service under ’ Options for Change ’ than to train women as fast jet pilots , however keen they may be ?
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