Example sentences of "who be [adv] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 As there is little doubt that digital is destined to eventually take over from analogue systems , HDMAC would seem to have little to recommend it to anyone but the European TV companies who are already financially committed to it .
2 Erm I think the bad news for the honourable member from Stafford is that er Messier Herman is in fact a member of the European peoples party and no doubt no the honourable member with great respect , said that he was a Christian democrat and he 's also a member of the European Peoples party and therefore I hope that the honourable member for Stafford will take that up with his Conservative colleagues , who are very closely connected to the European peoples party , because I hopefully have made clear earlier in my remarks .
3 Or should it seek weaker competitors or new entrants who are often more accommodating to local policy , but may lack the resources to keep up with the pace of change ?
4 Ask Americans today who are only now coming to terms with the gross exploitation of native Indians and natural resources , which their forefathers accomplished in the name of ‘ progress ’ .
5 Always go into ecstasies about their invention , and say : ‘ I , Monsieur , I who am even now speaking to you , was only this morning at X …
6 The Gascon nobility and the clergy ( who were often closely related to them ) are therefore the subject of this chapter .
7 The waiters , who were obviously well accustomed to their elderly clientèle moved at a brisk trot .
8 If all Labour Members , who were supposedly so opposed to the Bill , had turned up , the Bill would not have become an Act .
9 Some sort of dress rehearsal was clearly required for the Cypriot police officers who were only just coming to grips with wiretap technology , and , right on cue , one of Hurley 's informants passed the word that Abou Daod , a Lebanese drugs trafficker , was coming to Cyprus to set up a deal .
10 First and foremost you are looking to find the candidate who is most ideally suited to doing the job .
11 Pat , who is always totally committed to every idea and action she enters , underlines the certainty of her words with a hand stabbing a cigarette into a saucer serving as ashtray .
12 To complicate matters further Israel was using an intermediary , an Iranian businessman called Manucher Ghorbanifar , who was already well known to American intelligence for having fabricated tales .
13 Occasionally , we heard rocket fire and guessed , from the heavy propaganda on both the Christian television stations , that it was between Geagea 's Lebanese Forces militia and the army of General Aoun , who was still apparently claiming to be the true President of Lebanon .
14 Why did she have to meet the wrong man , and one who was so strongly attracted to her ?
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