Example sentences of "who [vb base] [art] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These listen to appeals against official decisions by people who dispute the official interpretation of their rights .
2 Questions are asked by people who lack a particular piece of knowledge , and questions are addressed to people who are assumed to be more knowledgeable about that topic .
3 AN OBJECT lesson for all those who bemoan the artistic indifference of government , last night 's Omnibus ( BBC 1 ) looked at a political leader who took the closest interest in art , a mediocre and embittered water-colourist who eventually turned to another medium — mass emotion and warfare .
4 According to Skoglund and others who fear the environmental impact of the project , the Pa Mong dam , the first of several proposed , will disrupt the annual flood cycle downstream and thereby threaten one of the world 's largest inland fishing grounds and one of Asia 's most productive agricultural regions .
5 Perhaps even more vociferous concerns have been expressed by nurses and para-medic groups who fear the medical domination of the current structuring of clinical directorates .
6 Someone must be doing their housekeeping rather better at those hospitals , especially when one thinks of the help the Memorial Hospital gets from the WRVS and the Friends of the Hospital who raise a good deal of money and have done so for many years .
7 First , those who stress the symbolic role of leaders , or the concentration of power over a few absolutely critical decisions in the hands of a power elite , view leadership as a zero-sum game .
8 Economic priorities are given the status of a nationally agreed consensus , especially by those who stress the unique willingness of the Japanese to forego individual interests for the benefit of the group .
9 Those who postulate a non-sexual mode of transmission refer to documented infection in pre-pubertal virgins , the low rate of isolation in males , the occasional finding of the organism in swimming pools and spa waters , and the fact that infection could be acquired from lavatories .
10 This opinion is held by those who advocate a cognitive approach to learning .
11 He to me was an example of one of the few untrained journalists who make a real success of TV news .
12 T is for Trimm Industries who make a huge range of PC cases
13 Knocking On The Dour Matthew Parris looks at parliamentary candidates who make a rosette-coloured spectacle of themselves as they learn the art of doorstep canvassing
14 He also wants the right to talk to any clubs who make an acceptable bid during his contract .
15 The fact that even on our own planet we have creatures — the dolphins and whales — whose intelligence is at the very least comparable with our own makes little impact on people who deny the possible existence of intelligent life on other worlds .
16 The new development may strengthen , therefore , the case of those who back the early replacement of the Army 's Chieftain tank fleet .
17 But , as with those who emphasize the tutoring role of the adult input in initial language learning , both these authors emphasize the influence of the environment on the repertoire of linguistic resources that the child masters as a result of interaction with members of the family circle .
18 Opposing change were the city 's communists , Gorbachev , the USSR Supreme Soviet , and many older citizens who associate the current name with the heroic 900 days ' wartime siege of Leningrad .
19 The basic texts which explain them are Tukey ( 1977 ) and Erickson and Nosanchuk ( 1977 ) , who supply an exploratory counterpart to every confirmatory technique .
20 Organised at state level , the Guard is composed of part-timers who undergo a statutory period of training with the regular Army .
21 In order to earn her keep Diana joined the ranks of what she now dismissively refers to as the ‘ velvet hairband ’ brigade , the upper-class ladies who fit a loose template of values , fashions , breeding and attitudes and are commonly known as ‘ Sloane Rangers ’ .
22 It was an alternative to secure employment for some who fit the popular image of the early retired , but for others it was a refuge from economic insecurity in the labour market .
23 The third example is a young man who falls into the rare category of those who pose a serious threat to public safety , a threat which in some instances exists for only weeks or months , although occasionally a person may remain potentially dangerous for some years .
24 Who Cares Wins John Hind and Stephen Mosco search for MPs who provide a five-star service for electors
25 No longer limited to solo celebration and practical experiment , they have the ‘ networked knowledge ’ of a multitude of colleagues in chemistry , physics , mathematics and engineering , who provide a dazzling range of computer aids .
26 Indeed , even those who endure a great deal of suffering and loneliness will nonetheless claim that life still offers rich and satisfying experiences .
27 So rustic a dish can hardly , he realizes , be offered to the fine ladies and gentlemen who frequent the elegant restaurant over which he presides .
28 The onward march of reason and tolerance is led by their ‘ natural ’ standard bearers , the European intelligentsia , and its various allies , who wage an unremitting battle against the irrational prejudices of both masses and traditional elites .
29 Mail-fisted thugs who drub the helpless air with clubs …
30 Such a policy of extensification would avoid food mountains and ensure that our land was properly looked after by farmers who want to work and who expect a reasonable return for their efforts .
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