Example sentences of "who [vb past] been at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Andy told me Howie and another two locals jumped a couple of travellers who 'd been at the party as well .
2 While they were there , Peggy ( who had been at a boarding school in Pretoria ) was able to resume her ballet classes .
3 There had been a recent incident involving my younger brother , Russell , who had been at a party and on his way home been accosted by a group of men that he knew , who were in a car .
4 Tact and discretion he had used , and he dared say that Dierdriu had been told who had been at the back of it .
5 Banbury in the 1960s was still full of professional and trades people who had been at the school before or immediately after the Second World War .
6 I asked several people besides Demetriades , who had been at the school only a year , whether Leverrier , Mitford 's predecessor , or Mitford himself had ever spoken about meeting Conchis .
7 Comments from a teacher who had been at the school for two years added credence to the points raised in the above dialogues stating that there is ‘ racism ’ amongst staff within the school :
8 . When two of my sons were little boys I took them to our old great-uncle Lord Albemarle 's yearly reception on Waterloo Day , that they might hereafter be able to say in their old age that they had seen and spoken to someone who had been at the Battle of Waterloo himself .
9 It consisted of the advisory teacher , an educational psychologist and sixteen of the teachers who had been at the course .
10 The man who had opened the emergency door identified himself as the co-pilot and informed them that the pilot who had been at the controls had been knocked unconscious at the moment of impact and was badly injured .
11 The story about how he asked the head of current affairs , Liz Forgan , who had been at the Guardian , was equally idiosyncratic .
12 Jane Pargeter was not particularly popular on the programme either , but several people who had been at the party supported her story that she had not left the party at all until Nicola 's body had been found .
13 I later learned that those who would be most keen to read such an account were precisely those who had been at the game .
14 Blanche coughed and responded that the police were talking to everyone who had been at the farewell party on the sixth floor , including Parkin and Pargeter .
15 ‘ All the older pros used to take the mickey out of us , but then one day in a practice match Ian went past Jim Cannon , who had been at the club for ages , and he did n't like it .
16 Alexandra Palace and Park , the latest company willing to take up the baton , has been administering a relaunch for the premises through the offices of Bizat , a genial exhibitions and catering specialist , who had been at the place only 11 weeks , in 1980 , when afire near the great organ gutted much of it and necessitated major reconstruction .
17 Since a few ladies who had been at the tea would also be at the committee meeting , and , anyway , Boyd had messed up her best black afternoon dress , she wore now a pretty gown in green wool which she had picked up in the last sale at Eaton 's .
18 She had a thin , satisfied smile on her face , which not even a few smirks and elbow nudgings among those ladies who had been at the tea could banish .
19 To be expected to relinquish this power , and give up some of the spoils to the likes of SARU , who had been at the forefront in demanding the non-participation of the Springboks in international competition since it was ‘ impossible to play normal sport in an abnormal society ’ , must , understandably , be a difficult to swallow .
20 Both plays were written-by Czech dissident Vaclav Havel , who had been at the forefront in the battle against communism ever since Russian tanks rolled into Prague in 1968 .
21 At first some of the monks were loath to enter on a long and expensive case before the pope , but they had among their number a man of mature years , called Thomas of Marlborough , who had been at the schools of Paris and who had taught at Oxford .
22 The patients have been dispersed into the community , like Jean Aitken who had been at the hospital for 12 years .
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