Example sentences of "who [vb past] [vb pp] [adv] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She turned to gaze at the man who 'd approached silently and stood a little behind her on her left .
2 The appellant had used offensive language to a 12 year old girl who had run home and complained to her father .
3 The Hyde Housing Association , responsible for the site , had already drawn up a list of people ‘ with strong connections with Medstead — basically those who had been resident in the village for over five years , or former residents who had moved away and wished to return , ’ said Mr. Winter .
4 Judy knew Brown Owl would be very cross if she saw Mandy on the other side of the fence — but she did n't have time to worry very long about that , for in a minute or two a loud , frightened scream shrilled from Mandy , who had stepped forward and bent to pick up the ball resting on the bright-green surface of the ground — and found herself up to her knees in treacherous , clinging slime .
5 From her student days Pavlova was fired by stories of her legendary predecessor Marie Taglioni , who had travelled widely and appeared to great acclaim in St Petersburg during the 1837–9 seasons .
6 Was n't it one of the simplest magics there was and his grandfather , to say nothing of his great-grandfather ( who had lived long and fared well ) passing it down to him .
7 Most of the Orphists were Cubists who had broken away and formulated new stylistic and aesthetic principles .
8 Before she had managed it , she heard Glyn 's voice , and it seemed of the utmost importance that he did not begin to get to know the man who had come here and turned her small world upside-down so quickly .
9 Apart from that , everything had been in order except for Bonaventure , who had slipped away and had not been seen since .
10 Even Graham , one of the few members who had left home and lived in a flat , would be helping in the campaign , although he would not be voting Conservative , so much did he dislike the personality and politics of the local MP .
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