Example sentences of "who [vb past] [verb] [noun] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 In addition we are grateful to the necessarily anonymous educational psychologists , and to their clients , who agreed to take part in this research .
2 An eminent writer in the Sunday Telegraph had recently used the word ‘ cheats ’ in respect of Pakistani cricketers and umpires , and during this Test match a correspondingly eminent Pakistani journalist fired off the same word towards the umpires who managed to maintain control of this noisy contest .
3 Hence his attempt to enlist T. E. Lawrence in a campaign to prevent war with Germany in the 1930s , which ended in Lawrence 's tragic death , and his naive belief that since Adolf Hitler had been a member of the German regiment with whom he had fraternized in 1914 he was basically a man like Williamson who wished to maintain peace at all costs , unless forced into war by the manipulation of others .
4 Annie 's mind cast back to the number of his children who had defied Jonadab round this very table .
5 Madame could not help but admire any woman who had gained access to enough money , either early or late in her career , to be able to laugh and to leave people .
6 It was Scots who had invented the steam engine , tarmacadam , the telephone , the Dunlop tyre , chloroform , Listerine , penicillin , television ; Scots who had risen to command foreign armies and navies and whose courage as kilted soldiers in the First World War had led the Germans to dub them ‘ the ladies from hell ’ ; Scots , of whom one had helped to found the Bank of England , who had made Edinburgh into one of the great financial centres of Europe ; Scots who had provided Westminster with more than her share of British Prime Ministers ; Scots who with only a tenth of the population of Britain , had yet supplied England with one fifth of her professional classes .
7 Walahfrid 's " other one " who had enjoyed Alemannia before this , must be Louis the German whose marriage to Judith 's sister in 827 had created a strong axis of solidarity between this son and his father .
8 Something the Wild Geese used to say — the Irish soldiers who had fled Ireland after that big battle at the end of the seventeenth century when they were dying on foreign battlefields they used to say : ‘ Would that this were for Ireland . ’
9 It was C … who had informed Peter of this hiding place .
10 While third party developments such as the Hercules graphics cards helped relieve this situation they complicated the life of the software developers who had to provide drivers for each and every variation .
11 So you 've got warning , ’ she said dismissively , and McLeish let himself , briefly , wonder who the bloke had been who had introduced Catherine to this experience .
12 Over half the farms had someone who had taken part in some kind of formal training .
13 The interviews were carried out some ten months after the initiation of the courses , and included students who had taken part in some twenty courses .
14 She was a woman photographer , who had taken pictures of that patriarchal World War One world out in France and Flanders .
15 Ella Bembridge , for once without a cigarette in her mouth , worked as stoutly as the men , and would have forced her way into the building to collect some of Dimity 's treasures if she had not been forbidden to do so by Harold , who had taken charge with all the ready authority of one who had spent his life organising others .
16 Greek theologians who had been trained in Italy and who had been very impressed by Aquinas and his Aristotelian Christianity were opposed and defeated by St Gregory Palamas , who refused to consider God in any sense as a concept , however inspiring , that could be rationally discussed and analysed .
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