Example sentences of "who [be] [adv] to be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 No hard and fast line can be drawn between the workers who are and those who are not to be counted amongst ‘ the poor ’ ; there is a constant flux , and besides those who suffer from chronic underpayment , artisans , as well as tradesmen and rustics , are constantly sinking , with or without their own fault , into the depth of misery .
2 For 594 Fredegar notes a war between the Franks and the Bretons , and under the following year he mentions a victory over the Warni , who are probably to be equated with the Thuringians .
3 Well camouflaged stick insects , whose concealment has for once failed to work and who are about to be snapped at by a hungry predator , will suddenly flick open their brightly coloured wings in a dramatically unexpected display that may shock the enemy into retreat .
4 These in turn become massively overdetermined , regenerative and self-justifying , creating an institutional mind which , although allegedly acting on behalf of society and the majority population , comes to regard that same group as outsiders and potential antagonists who are never to be accorded easy access to the processes of the organization .
5 ’ Gustave complains in this letter to Bouilhet about the dangers of planning a project too thoroughly : ‘ It seems to me , alas , that if you can so thoroughly dissect your children who are still to be born , you do n't get horny enough actually to father them . ’
6 Another group whose origins and way of life marked them out from the Serbs were the gypsies ( cigani or romi ) who are still to be found throughout Serbia and Macedonia .
7 More skilled jobs are not usually undertaken by the otherwise unemployed , who are mainly to be found in low-skilled jobs .
8 Bebe 's kids are the nightmare invention of the late comedian Robin Harris , who 're about to be immortalised in their own network cartoon series .
9 Some of our final year students who were soon to be ordained , feeling the need for some kind of support system , especially during the first few years of ministry , decided to create their own cells .
10 In 1734 , for example , when Campbell of Ardkinglas was faced with a contest in Stirlingshire , this government politician attempted to secure the support of some of the freeholders who were normally to be found in the interest of the Duke of Montrose .
11 The procedure for ascertaining the opinion of members of the Commons and of Peers and of prominent people in the Party Organization was then conducted by persons who were later to be christened ‘ the Magic Circle ’ .
12 But who were there to be marketed to ?
13 But he took such duties seriously ; he often had to give his opinion on the work of young poets who were about to be dispatched into the war : and he knew that his comments might be the last they ever received .
14 They knew little about computers and had bought the discs from another counterfeiter who 's yet to be caught .
15 They knew little about computers and had bought the discs from another counterfeiter who 's yet to be caught .
16 She sits down in a quiet room , provided at public expense , and begins to lecture a man who is shortly to be found dying by the dustbins .
17 Patrizia Valesio was staring at him with the expression of one who is not to be put off by interruptions .
18 If the vehicle is driven by an employee who is not to be summonsed for any offence , a statement should be requested as he should be dealt with as a witness .
19 ‘ Nor do we see any reason why a wife who is not separated from her husband , even a wife who is still to be regarded as cohabiting with her husband , should lack this protection of the criminal law .
20 The wife , we learn , is the one who is about to be tried for the crime , and nothing the narrator has been able to say has convinced the police he himself is the guilty man .
21 S Group was led by Group Captain Donald Bennett , who we heard was a most formidable gentleman from ‘ down under ’ and who was mostly to be found at Group Headquarters , Huntingdon or at Wyton RAF Station , a few miles away .
22 Unlike in Slovenia , there was no separate direct election for the Croatian President , who was instead to be elected by the Croatian Assembly .
23 In that year the secretary of the Society for the Relief of Persons Confined for Small Debts received a letter from Spencer Perceval the Prime Minster ( who was later to be assassinated by a bankrupt , John Bellingham ) to say that His Majesty had graciously given orders to present The Thatched House Society with £2,000 from his private purse .
24 One of the corpses was that of a local youth , the other that of an English girl , Gail Benson , who had come to the West Indies as the slavish lover of an American Negro , Hakim Jamal , ‘ God ’ to his friends , who was eventually to be shot dead in Boston .
25 She loved the handsome prince who was soon to be crowned , and he loved her — or so she believed .
26 For tonight at least , she was Anne Mowbray , sister-in-law to the handsome prince who was soon to be crowned .
27 In late June 1919 Eliot went to Garsington , but cut short his visit to stay with Peters who was about to be demobbed from the US Navy .
28 Surely we should follow the example of Jesus in confronting the woman taken in adultery , who was about to be stoned .
29 Alan was in London talking business with his agent , Audrey Ellison , when she just happened to mention a letter she had received from a friend in Budapest about a young pianist who was about to be hauled into the Hungarian army to do his national service .
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