Example sentences of "who [adv] [vb past] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 R. J. Campbell was himself a highly successful , because dramatic and controversial , preacher who eventually left Congregationalism for the Church of England .
2 The other MP nominated to the Committee , who eventually became President of the Institute , was William Tite ( 1798–1873 ) .
3 The referee , Alfred Buksh , who rarely had control of a game that at one point seemed unlikely to be completed , booked Wimbledon 's Phelan , Wise , Young and the physiotherapist , Steve Allen , for treating an injured player without permission , and West Ham 's Allen and Dicks , before his dismissal .
4 The Times obituary said ‘ By his death the veterinary world has lost one of the last of the band of pioneers who successfully converted veterinarianism into the great profession which is constantly advancing both in scientific knowledge and in public esteem . ’
5 He is the fifth manager to leave Crewe Park in the last two years following in the footsteps of Paul O'Gara , Terry Nicholson , Jack Walsh and Sammy Watson , who all parted company with the club last season .
6 Mr Markie also highlighted the fears of Middleton residents who already suffered noise from the existing 275,000-volt lines .
7 Many women with no desire to reject the social round and daily duties expected of middle class wives , but who still deplored idleness as the antithesis of duty , often made an explicit link between their idea of duty and their spiritual responsibilities .
8 In economic terms , many of those who still had land in the pears following 1973 were not able to farm it successfully .
9 After early bumping at the first bend , Clydal found himself in arrears and Pilot Error made the early running from Stormhill , who quickly took control down the far side and looked set to win .
10 In effect , if it was a profession it was a profession in name only ( a point made indirectly by my lecturer who studiously avoided use of the word ) .
11 The task of recovering this piece from disaster fell to David Woodward who promptly rented time on a thicknessing sander owned in another workshop locally and sanded the original veneers off .
12 This business was expanded by his son John Roberts , who also lent money at a vast interest rate to the tinners , who were traditionally improvident and poor .
13 Now , last weekend 's cycle ride down the new section of the M forty once looked threatened by being blown away as the Met Office warned of impending storms , but in fact the sun shone down on the riders and today , less than a week the counting is done and Mike Biddolph from Oxfordshire County Council , who also took part in the event , has come up with the grand total of — how much have you raised Mike ?
14 On the outbreak of hostilities , a small ministerial committee was established to co-ordinate the UK 's role in the operation , comprising Major , Hurd , Tom King ( the Defence Secretary ) and John Wakeham ( the Energy Secretary , who also had responsibility for the general co-ordination of government information ) , together with , as appropriate , other members of the Cabinet and the Attorney General ( Sir Patrick Mayhew ) .
15 Erosion has also occurred as a result of overgrazing ( particularly in the Zambesi Valley ) , the monoculture of maize and over smaller areas , tobacco , and of some European settler farmers who profitably exploited land in the Eastern Province during the tobacco boom but were not prepared to invest in long-term conservation measures .
16 An eight-year-old boy from Riseley with a club foot , and another eleven-year-old with serious hip disease , were transferred to an orthopaedic hospital , while the father of the latter , who probably had tuberculosis of the spine , was sent to a convalescent home at Margate with the consent of the governors , who provided the necessary funds .
17 There was a lorry driver who made excursions to the Farley Court flat and one evening when Orton was there , he introduced him to a Post Office telephone engineer called Clive — who later became part of the Orton set- and his flatmate Tom .
18 But it was only when Susato began to publish at Antwerp in 1543 that their songs appeared in quantity and it was Susato who really launched Crecquillon with a book of 36 chansons à 4 parties in 1543 , though he had published Crecquillon 's greatest hit , ‘ Ung gay bergier ’ , in a miscellaneous collection the year before .
19 A neighbour who often did shopping for the Lennons had left the semi-detached in Heyford Road , Marsh Green , on the outskirts of Wigan , only a few minutes earlier .
20 He was soon associated with a group around Sir John Vaughan [ q.v. ] , also including Sir Thomas Littleton and Sir Richard Temple [ q.v. ] , who frequently voiced concern during the 1660s that the restored government 's need to secure itself in power , coupled with Parliament 's Royalist enthusiasm , might lead to the erosion of England 's laws and liberties .
21 Len Wright , who narrowly escaped death during the battle , made famous in the film , A Bridge Too Far , has not made a parachute jump for nearly 40 years .
22 In addition , there was also a very high turnover of voters from one election to the next , with the result that the " casual voters " normally outnumbered those who regularly took part in the poll .
23 The first of these men was Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre , founder of the Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana ( APRA ) , who initially established contact with the Comintern and whose model was in fact not dissimilar to that proposed by the Soviet theorists , although he differed greatly on questions of strategy and tactics .
24 THE American government has seized assets of a Chilean arms dealer who allegedly took part in a complex $1 billion ( £575m ) fraud that brought defence group Ferranti to the brink of collapse .
25 The other was Vegetius , also a Christian , who likewise regarded war as a means of bringing about peace .
26 The Right has a ‘ ministerial alternative ’ in Colonel-General Vladislav Atchalov , a pro-communist national-patriot who barely escaped trial after the putsch .
27 Then 54 of the older pupils who recently took part in a five-day visit to Ironbridge , Shropshire , described all that they had learned , with readings , slides and models .
28 2 Johnny Dawes was the young British climber who recently took part in an expedition to Bhagirathi. 3 vauDe use Sympatex in the manufacture of the majority of their outdoor clothing .
29 Club bosses are on their toes and a string of new clubs have sprung up to cater for kinky lonely-heart foot fetishists who recently won respectability after a couple of celebrated court cases .
30 Lawrence was the one who never seemed part of the warm family atmosphere created by his brothers and sisters .
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