Example sentences of "who [verb] been [adj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I promptly eased it back onto the lap and desperately tried to imitate someone who has been asleep for hours , with his arm wrapped fiercely round his dog .
2 ‘ La Malfa 's resignation just shows that anyone who has been involved in government for so long can be involved ( in corruption ) , however pure he may claim to be , ’ he said .
3 Bill Knowles , the general manager of the Ipswich Co-op — who has been involved in talks with the NCP — said he was confident the scheme would go ahead but the timing had to be right .
4 The centre was formed in 1984 by the Jesuit order under the leadership of its current Director , Fr Joe Naidu , who has been involved in WACC activities in India for several years .
5 Anybody who has been involved in community organising will have experience of situations where the ( actual or perceived ) formality of the meeting has restricted participation by people who may be active and vociferous before and/or after the meeting .
6 ‘ We have put in entirely our own money , ’ says Hargrave , who has been far from down-at-heel since Biermann 's arrival .
7 In particular , such contempt may be dealt with without there being any formal institution of proceedings as such and by the judge who has been subject to abuse .
8 Mark , who has been blind from birth , has had a meteoric rise in radio broadcasting , being given his own show less than a year after joining Radio Cleveland as a reporter .
9 Yet , faced with the harsh fact that saving will benefit neither himself nor his family and frugality be of profit to none of his prospective beneficiaries , a rich man who has been generous in life will be encouraged to a prodigal standard of living .
10 ( And ALFRED , who has been near to tears , starts to sniffle . )
11 Ruth McCurry , who has been responsible for Mowbray 's development since its purchase by Cassell in 1988 , continues as publisher with responsibility for Geoffrey Chapman .
12 Highlander was a linkpin in the whole operation , bringing together many people who had been involved in land issues over a large geographical area , schools , community groups , local politicians , academics , and interested individuals Workshops at Highlander laid the foundations for articulation of the problems and a research methodology for establishing the relative facts and presenting them in a manner which would best suit community requirements .
13 In total Oshima named seven senior members of the LDP who had been involved in efforts to force his party to desist .
14 John Tutchin , himself a Nonconformist and someone who had been involved in Monmouth 's rebellion , frequently attacked the High Church lower clergy in his Whig periodical , The Observator , but was prepared to defend the Church hierarchy , saying that we had " the best set of Bishops that ever England yet knew " .
15 Jonah and Petrovsky were to be assisted by Giandomenico Picco ( Italy , who had been involved in negotiations for the release of hostages in Lebanon — see pp. 38550 ; 38694 ) and Sotirios Mousouris ( Greece ) , both with the rank of Assistant Secretary-General .
16 Was n't he the one who had been friendly with Pamella Bordes , or was it Donald Trelford of the Observer ?
17 Barney , who had been deep in thought , spoke as the car thundered past the Berkeley Hunt kennels .
18 Breeze , who had been deep in thought , came back with a start to her present surroundings .
19 In Leeds Private Hospital Ltd v Parkin [ 1992 ] 453 IRLIB 3 , the Employment Appeal Tribunal upheld an industrial tribunal decision that a man with a known disability who had been absent from work for four days , as had the pregnant employee in this case , would not have been dismissed .
20 He describes lodging in the beautifully furnished house of a respectable widow with artistic tastes , who had been impoverished by inflation .
21 The rage of the Iceni spread through the south-east , affecting first the Trinovantes who had been simmering in discontent for some years .
22 Brandt 's successor , appointed on 16 May 1974 , was Helmut Schmidt , a pragmatic , intelligent man , who had been critical of Brandt 's leadership at times , and who could be brusque and impatient .
23 Then Vera Volkova , the Russian teacher who had been influential in England , taught the Royal Danes for 25 years , changing their style and giving them a more modern technique .
24 Two patients who had been negative for dysplasia were found to have low grade dysplasia in their colectomy specimens .
25 The affair of the Lucona , which blew up off the Maldives in January 1977 , had led to the resignations of three leading politicians who had been close to Proksch .
26 It was not undertaken in 11 of those who had been subject to suffocation , five referred before the po 2 monitor was available , four patients >1 year with infrequent events , two for whom social problems resulted in a prolonged hospital stay , and one who died before admission .
27 And although Whigs under Anne liked to claim that James had been deposed for breaking his original contract with the people , they found it a credible way of embarrassing their political opponents to argue that it was the Tories who had been responsible for James 's downfall .
28 Despite Lenin 's theory of national self-determination , the new Soviet Union still embraced the great bulk of the old imperial domains , including minorities like the Georgians and the Ukrainians who had been civilized for centuries before the denizens of what was to become Muscovy .
29 To plan the strategy Jones and Palmer got together on 7 April with Bart Czirr , a physicist from the University , and Johann Rafelski , a theorist who had been interested in Jones ' work on piezonuclear fusion since 1985 , and who was about to move from Cape Town to the University of Arizona .
30 The Labour Party saw its strongholds in Scotland and Wales endangered and some of the — younger members elected in 1964 and 1966 , who had been interested in devolution and governmental reform long before the nationalist challenge arose , saw this as their chance to press for a degree of devolution to an elected all-Welsh or all-Scottish council .
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