Example sentences of "who [verb] [prep] be [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , a diagnosis of psychosomatic illness is often arrived at by a much shorter and less strenuous route than this , particularly with female patients , who tend to be perceived as more ‘ nervy ’ .
2 Before long no one who aspires to be taken seriously can dare to question it in public .
3 I 'm your wife , I 'm a responsibility , I 'm someone who has to be dumped somewhere safe , like a child who ca n't look after herself .
4 Treating redundant employees as people with positive strengths who deserve to be marketed well was an unusual entry .
5 The query , for such it was , emanated from an elderly lady who appeared to be clad entirely in shawls .
6 ROBERT Maxwell 's former chauffeur , who wishes to be identified only as Ted , has a plausible explanation for the demotion of his official car from a Rolls-Royce to a Daimler .
7 The uniformed guard , who wishes to be known only as John , approached the car and asked the three youths inside to leave .
8 Gives eligible staff 50% compensation for all excess travel time incurred ie. employees who require to be relocated permanently or temporarily to new work locations .
9 The skins who sided with the punks were a new breed , who wished to be seen as more anarchical and more shocking than the punks .
10 The appeal of St James , and his influence , became for a space immense ; his cockle shell a great mark of prestige and spiritual hope worn by successful pilgrims , or those who wished to be thought so , for centuries to come .
11 There were two clients waiting who had to be sent away . ’
12 He said ‘ Come ’ as Greeks prod their donkeys ; as if , it later struck me , I was a potential employee who had to be shown briefly round the works .
13 for example , BBC Television on the evening of the 11 July Day of Action , and the papers next morning , were full of pictures of injured policemen , but the pickets who were injured were hardly mentioned , although among them was a man who had had an epileptic fit , a woman who had collapsed at the rear entrance to the factory and two Yorkshire miners who had to be carried away by their friends .
14 Women presenters who wish to be taken seriously , and Ms. Ford deserves to be , should n't waste time whingeing on at charity lunches .
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