Example sentences of "her [noun] when [pron] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 She had expected him to leave her but he stayed watching her quietly , picking a biscuit off the plate himself , sharing her milk when she offered him the glass .
2 I did n't know he was home and I was just on the point of going into her room when I heard him . ’
3 Lady Dawkins , who had never heard him speak before , surprised herself by her reaction when she heard him speak at the Albert Hall in January 1912 :
4 Mrs Barnet tells me that she expects her husband when she sees him .
5 Phyllisia too stood up to her father when he says he is going to send her and her sister back to the West Indies .
6 The van drew up in Pretty Street and Miss Poraway and Mrs Abigail got out , Miss Poraway still talking about the cartoon , saying it would tickle her brother when she told him about it .
7 Likewise Churchill , who would have agreed with her sentiment when she told him that without the Board of Education , the Board of Trade was ‘ powerless ’ to make ‘ a better worker , a better man , or a better citizen of the young worker . ’
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