Example sentences of "her [noun] [vb pp] over the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her fingers closed over the handle , the half-raised posture of her body shielding the movement from de Raimes .
2 There was a ragged pause , not a movement as the last of her underwear floated over the side of the bed .
3 Her eyes moved over the room too .
4 Her eyes flicked over the Louis XIV furniture of the formal salon .
5 Then , as her eyes swept over the crowd clustered round the stage , she did a double-take , spotting one figure much larger and more powerful than the rest .
6 Her eyes swept over the audience as far as she could see beyond the footlights .
7 Her gaze skimmed over the fishing rods and tackle that were stored neatly against the side wall , and kept in place by a solid retaining bar .
8 Ward opened up the paper to reveal two tiny clay figures interlocked , the woman with her head bent over the man 's huge phallic erection .
9 Betty Gilling was at the cottage door , her white hair knotted prettily on top of her head and her arms folded over the mound of her stomach where her eighth child was curled , almost ready to be born .
10 ‘ C.W. , it 's for you , ’ she called out , her hand cupped over the mouthpiece .
11 Her hand cupped over the receiver , she began to relay the endless continental choices , in a list sounding like a Bavarian family tree .
12 Her eyebrows met over the bridge of her nose .
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