Example sentences of "make [adv prt] [prep] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was here that the Caroline reformers achieved nothing because the crown could not recapture the powers it had made over to local municipal oligarchs .
2 The next portion , now known as Chatham Maritime , was made over to English Industrial Estates Corporation .
3 The distinction is an important one : books on a shelf may be in poor condition , and may indeed deteriorate in their locations ( particularly when they are made up of self-destructive acidic paper ) , but their deterioration will be very much slower than if they are transported to a reading room for consultation by a reader .
4 Each hair is made up of three layers : the cuticle on the outside is made up of protective overlapping scales .
5 There is a distinct rural segment of this class which is made up of small commercial farmers , who depend on a casual labour supply .
6 His ingenious situation concerns very small homunculi from space , of the order of magnitude of body cells , who enter a human being in large numbers and colonize him to such an extent that he is eventually made up of small conscious entities .
7 The eyes of insects are made up of tiny hexagonal units called ommatidia .
8 The committee was largely made up of Roman catholic clergy , and they clearly opposed the appointment on the grounds that a protestant could not be trusted to safeguard the catholic morals of her charges in her purchase and loaning of books .
9 The global system is made up of economic transnational practices and at the highest level of abstraction these are the building blocks of the system .
10 Because of the accident that , in the early days , a high proportion of the best anthropological field research wan carried out in societies which were made up of exogamous unilineal descent groups , many textbooks give the impression that unilineal descent is the normal pattern in primitive societies and hence that the distinction between kinship ( of common substance ) and affinity is normally clear-out and unambiguous .
11 The T U C is made up of national affiliated unions , the delegates to its conference should be from those unions , the C E C ask you to oppose three eight eight and three eight nine .
12 As de Gaulle wanted , this should only be developed on the basis of unanimous agreements , with a new Commission being created in Paris , made up of national civil servants , not officials loyal to European institutions .
13 Free counterpoints are common enough in serialism , the various voices in polyphony being made up of different rhythmic designs .
14 Over the last few years , thousands of people have received a variety of training through the Business Venture , which is made up of senior local businessmen and two council officials one Conservative and one Labour .
15 The Thai-Myanma Regional Co-ordinating Committee , made up of senior military officers from both countries , held its first meeting in the northern Thai town of Chiang Mai on Sept. 18-20 , 1989 .
16 Her eyes were made up with heavy black eyeliner , her mouth was a deep red rosebud .
17 For cost reasons , the original concept had already been scaled down since 1988 to include only 150 stations — the balance of the deterrent being made up by ground-based anti-missile rockets .
18 State newspapers are therefore funded out of public money , and there have been attempts to follow the example of the Daily Times , funded from the profits made out of various commercial activities .
19 It must be remembered that for all its world status and the great influence it has upon the rest of the airworthiness authorities of the western world , the FAA is after all made up of fallible human beings .
20 Yet Pomgol was little more than a conglomerate made up of other relevant state departments .
21 Duane Rumbaugh 's training of Lana , and other chimpanzees notably Austin and Sherman , to use a computer keyboard made up of small rectangular screens upon which visual , iconic-like , symbols of lines , circles , and dots can be displayed .
22 In his speech to the Polish parliament he said that the changes in Eastern Europe provided a historic opportunity to build a Europe made up of independent democratic states , not divided into blocs and relying on the protection of superpowers .
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