Example sentences of "get [adj] [prep] [pron] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But she got used to me and started to do it herself and in the end we were both very comfortable and relaxed . ’
2 A DoT expert says : ‘ The breathalyser had a dramatic effect on people 's behaviour but it 's fair to say that people got used to it and began to take various avoiding actions .
3 I found that really awkward at first , but I just got used to it and grew to love Les Pauls and just stuck with them from then on . ’
4 Eventually they got used to it and allowed it to stay .
5 Mary got stroppy about it and said it was wrong what they were doing , it was a desecration .
6 He blew a lot of his money on gambling , even slot machines , and buying cars before he got bored with them and sold them off for a fraction of the price he paid for them . ’
7 Anyway , whatever , it got pretty popular for a bit before everyone got bored with it and went back to staring out of the window and hiding Brian Smart ( and his accessories ) in the stock cupboard .
8 I got bored with it and sat down with my coffee .
9 He 's got two of them that go in to his next room
10 Or are you hoping to keep her in ignorance so you can go back to her when you get tired of me and start wanting to respect yourself again ?
11 Well your a super go and get one of them and do n't cut a whole out of that bit
12 ‘ May their blood turn to whiskey so one hundred thousand fleas get drunk on it and dance mazurkas in their navels . ’
13 Now , it 's illogical for a so-called Government that 's in power with all the financial expertise to talk about getting shut of it and leave it in to cause misery to people .
14 They just started getting mad with her and chucking wooden dice that size at her , trying to hit her , and blackboard rubbers , smashing up the lightbulbs and everything , and in the end she just went in the store-cupboard , crying , so we locked her in . ’
15 I 'm known to be keen to earn extra money on overtime , so I volunteer for everything and I get most of it because wait for it — I am prized !
16 But sometimes I felt she took over and I got annoyed about it but did n't like to say .
17 he use to have his own house , last year he went into it you 'd think they 'd get some of it and to weed the gardens
18 But the movement is big enough and strategic enough for every single church grouping to get involved in it and to see again church planting as part of their raison d'etre .
19 He added : ‘ I was staggered to learn that limestone was to go from Redmire to Redcar by road when we were told in 1988 that British Steel could n't get enough of it and had put on an additional train .
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