Example sentences of "so [that] [pers pn] [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We fixed it so that we arrived at lunchtime and joined my parents in a restaurant near their hotel .
2 Equally remarkably , he made them open their pockets , so that they gave with extraordianry generosity when other communities as far away as Italy suffered disasters like their own .
3 I 'm bound to say that they failed to learn from their own history after nineteen-eighteen , so that they did in effect repeat erm their history a second time with disastrous consequences for everybody .
4 At that moment , a voice did call , so that she jerked with shock .
5 She took a quick break for lunch , gulping down a couple of sandwiches and a cup of coffee , then spent the afternoon painting the dragon , using dozens of different shades so that he shimmered with colour .
6 It felt as if he could see right inside her head so that he knew beyond doubt the minutest detail of her response .
7 So that er his former chauffeur joined the force , P C , he was in , he drove of course our first police car , well which he shared with P C , then when our cars got to number two , three and so on , he eventually came up , so that he retired as inspector , traffic inspector .
8 Then they felled me , so that I lay by Elsbeth and was as helpless as she .
9 Harry bent down and with one hand lifted the gangplank so that it hung in mid-air .
10 The kitten was cradled in her arms and she ran her fingers gently up and down its stomach so that it purred with delight .
11 So , there were no leaks or speculative articles about the paper 's contents and publication was deliberately timed so that it arrived on news desks ahead of the finalised Cadbury Report .
12 A 15 ml bolus of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid ( HCl ) was instilled into the oesophagus using the proximal port of the manometry catheter so that it arrived at cm above the lower oesophageal sphincter .
13 He muttered something unrepeatable under his breath and wiped an exhausted hand upwards over his forehead , a distraught gesture which ruffled the short dark hair so that it stood on end .
14 Coffee was brought and poured , and the lamp moved to the table behind me , so that it shone on Conchis 's face .
15 Those who were not wearing helmets let their hair flow freely , so that it moved like seaweed in the ventilation breeze near the roof .
16 For its part , the Conservative Party , under the intellectual leadership of R. A. Butler , came to terms with the changes wrought by Labour from 1945–51 and adjusted to the new mood in the country so that it grudged towards state intervention in support of some kind of equality .
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