Example sentences of "so [conj] we can [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Slowly , so that we can watch her face .
2 No , Chief has n't set any questions , erm , the other change to this has been to remove the fire 's special interest and we 've put in as a separate paper , so that we can bring them up to date .
3 To build on the EC 's Association Agreements with Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland so that we can welcome them to full membership by the year 2000 .
4 Secondly , if they accept those arguments , then before anything becomes public I then need to embark on a process of consultation with the residents themselves and with their relatives and with their staff , so that we can explain it carefully to them — what it 'll involve , the time scale , what their options are going to be , how we 'll go through this process and all the rest of it , all the ins and outs , and then I shall have to then go formally to a special meeting of the Social Services Committee , probably in April , to say that I 've carried out this consultation , that this is my recommendation as to the home the Council should choose , and if they agree that then we move into implementation .
5 And I want to maintain a level of efficiency in everything we do so that we can hold our heads high in the sure and certain knowledge that we are as good as anyone — and better than most — at what we do .
6 And during this time I am on the monitor studying the whole thing so that we can make our plans and adjustments for our filming with the real orchestra .
7 If that man is out there and he is innocent then please would he come forward so that we can eliminate him from the inquiry
8 We must find some way of ‘ taking out ’ of our calculations that fraction of brain that can be attributed simply to body size , so that we can compare what is left over as the true ‘ braininess ’ of animals .
9 But that is in the nature of art and artfulness : the establishment of laws so that we can break them .
10 Science exists so that we can improve our understanding of naturally occurring phenomena .
11 Er for us to identify current problems and improvement opportunities , so that we can deliver our product and services .
12 The categories in each case are artificial and social rather than self-evident , but they are necessary so that we can conduct our affairs in an orderly manner .
13 Deputy Head ( Staff ) : ‘ How would you define your objectives , so that we can give you opportunity to improve ? ’
14 We need bold headline posters in colour to identify what sections they represent so that we can give our members activist up to date information in advance of other comp competition and other unions .
15 If you know of anyone interested in training , please let us know so that we can send them the details .
16 After much deliberation by the judges , the winners of the best-named team was ‘ Teenagers Under Stress ’ ( if any of you teenagers are reading this can you please ring in with your address so that we can send you your prizes ) and the winners of the best-dressed team were ‘ Five Prunes Named Joe ’ .
17 And it is essential that we should be the ones who control just which parts of our brains we use so that we can achieve what we have decided are our goals .
18 Do you want to show a a raising of hands so that we can assure your agreement .
19 It is not a rhetorical question when I ask — should we really let our people starve so that we can pay our debts ’
20 The other thing that we want from the client advertising client to make it a full deal so that we can pay you the thirty thirty percent commission is copy .
21 Would you kindly write your press releases on a sheet of this paper , if you can bear to do this , so that we can pin them up on the wall and we can walk around and see each other 's press releases and this 'll be a good way of actually discussing them , I think .
22 Put more bluntly , the Big Six in the US appear to be putting a pistol to the public 's head and saying : if you want continuation of the audit services we provide , then change the legal system so that we can maximise our economic return on our investment on auditing .
23 But if it is the case that language learning is activated by the socio-cultural purpose of schematic extension , that we learn language in order to get a better grasp of the world so that we can turn it to our advantage , then it would seem to follow that a central problem in the teaching of a foreign language lies in the provision of some comparable activating purpose .
24 I was going to say , when it comes to paragraph five , do you erm suggest that you actually think in terms of church organisations , they 're not mentioned , and I look forward in in paragraph seven one to the seminar , the working seminar that 's going to be in the near future , and I hope that we 'll soon get a date , so that we can get it in our very busy diaries , in the hope that we can come along and learn more about this .
25 At present , we do n't have our addresses in Nanking and Shanghai , but will try to get them in advance , so that we can let you know how to contact us .
26 Are we also going to try and match those up with the attainment targets , so that we can say they 've completed a work sheet successfully ?
27 You do need all your money to offset that , so that we can charge you what we call a level premium throughout the period .
28 If we take out a joint mortgage , will she have to cash in her endowment policy so that we can take one out together ?
29 I 've committed myself to writing some notes on it in cooperation with you so that we can take them back to the group next week to discuss with the others .
30 I see Inspector Rose again , and then perhaps he will have news for us so that we can resume our holiday , ’ Auguste said optimistically .
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