Example sentences of "so [conj] she [modal v] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He wrote girls ' phone numbers in the back of the book so that she would think the stars were for something else if she snooped around .
2 During her romance she had regularly raided her friends ' wardrobes so that she would have a presentable outfit to go out in .
3 Could n't it be that she had needed to loathe him so that she could smother the awakening of her real feelings for him ?
4 She stood up suddenly , so that she could stamp the floor , annoyed because tennis shoes could n't make a big enough noise to suit her fury .
5 The closest I came to anything clinical was watching a nurse shave the chest of a Lebanese businessman , so that she could attach the electrodes required for an ECG — I held the kidney dish into which the used razor was deposited .
6 It might even be , she thought hopefully , that a strip of sticky paper would come out with the stamps , so that she could repair the tear in the envelope !
7 His arm snaked out , pinioning her round her waist , drawing her back against his body , holding her firmly so that she could feel the thunder of his heart against her back .
8 Helen , never taking her eyes off Alexandra , craned sideways so that she could wind a finger round and round in a hole in her black stocking .
9 All she wanted was not to know again , so that she could stay a little child and never have to grow up and face the world without her mother to wake her in the mornings and teach her things and tell her stories and pass on all her wisdom about the world and men and how babies came and why the best any woman could hope for in this life was to be able to make one man happy .
10 Meanwhile she had many friends who took up her cause : memorial concerts were given in Prague and Vienna ; she received a gratuity from the Elector of Cologne ; and the King of Prussia offered to purchase several compositions for 100 ducats each ( including the Requiem which Constanze made sure was ‘ completed ’ by Süssmayr so that she could collect the last instalment of money due from Count Walsegg ) .
11 It reminded her too that she should really get her into bed so that she could recover a little from the shocks she had received .
12 She stood up quickly and began rummaging in her bag , desperately looking for some francs so that she could pay the woman and leave .
13 Not that she was afraid ; she once said that she travelled to seek out danger to ‘ silence fear ’ so that she could reach the end of her days ‘ free from that mortal weakness ’ .
14 Daisy was Fred 's bird , a freckled teenager with red tabby hair whom Arthur had entrusted with a slice of his savings so that she could open a boutique .
15 He climbed lazily to his feet and stood to one side so that she could open the door , then followed her inside .
16 Demonstrating the arbitrariness of the emergency regulations , she was granted a passport in June this year so that she could head a UDF delegation which met Margaret Thatcher and President Bush .
17 In 1944 the state Department advised Roosevelt that Iran should be strengthened after the war so that she could resist the encroachments of Britain and Russian .
18 I proposed that I teach one woman what I knew so that she could teach the others after we got more machines .
19 She was prying open the weave of the bag so that she could work the handle of her riding crop into it .
20 She held the faded spine of one of them to the light so that she could read the lettering : ‘ Journal of Martin J. Beale 1852–67 . ’
21 She was going on the overnight train so that she could read the Children 's Act of Scotland en route .
22 She had taken them out so that she could read the labels on the other bottles — and for super-safe keeping she had locked them in my drawer while she went through all the tablets looking for the ones she wanted .
23 She had forced herself out of bed especially early , without waking Oz , just so that she could have a spare half-hour or so to take a walk up Back Clough Dale .
24 Feeling suddenly full of energy , she got up , and , switching on the immersion heater so that she could have a bath later , she decided to give the cottage a good clean .
25 All he had to do then was to make it known that he had promised to leave Laura alone so that she could have a rest in peace , to make an excuse about paying a brief visit to the Gents , to go up to his room — probably via the guest-lift — to stick his hand inside the room and grab the handbag , to take out the jewel before dumping the handbag , and then … ’
26 And Sarah believed he could bend the rules of the Foundling Hospital so that she could have the child with her always .
27 It was at this point that I decided to put her back on a loose creance , so that she could approach the lure from whatever direction she pleased .
28 Occasionally she was able to force herself to go in a lift if it was one of those with a window at the front so that she could see the passing floors .
29 Shadows carved the flesh from his features so that she could see the fine lines of his skull , the hard mystery of essential bone .
30 She managed to make a half turn so that she could see the silver door , because perhaps she could reach out and reach over and grasp the elaborate handle and somehow pull herself out .
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