Example sentences of "so [adj] that we [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The garment is so peculiar that we might dismiss it as a quirk of the rhyton carver 's imagination , but for the fact that it features again on a seal impression from Agia Triadha , where the rhyton also originated .
2 See we we have an awful lot of problems , I mean , not only the question of breaking into one 's home things like , car parking or things of a very high accident risk whereas , if we had a beat officer , at least we could set up some sort of local liaison , in so much that we could tell him about our sort of problems , and perhaps between us , resolve them .
3 There was so much that we used to cut it into strips and string it from the eaves to dry in the wind and sun .
4 We thought it was so good that we 'd do it for the old people 's home .
5 Nor is it so regular that we can trust to it altogether to fix the exact date of any given work .
6 And yet , though I feel so sure that we shall spend a lovely but short time together somewhere alone , yet when I think calmly I grow despairing , for if I went to stay with you , anywhere in the same house and alone , nothing would induce mother to believe me really innocent and pure in heart .
7 I was actually looking forward to extra time because I was so sure that we would win .
8 But we do not know the real essences of the substances of natural philosophy , so all that we can do is to observe and list their properties , and form only beliefs and opinions about them .
9 With a choice we work perceptually on the alternatives to see if we can make one so attractive that it attracts us to ignore the others ; or we try to make the alternatives so unattractive that we can dismiss them one by one .
10 The benefits , the law and the villages all along the edge of eighty eight are so enormous that we must try and sustain , and I 'm very hopeful that , would , with the good will of the whole of us we can improve the quality of life for everyone .
11 We wanted to make an early start for home after a caravan holiday in Cornwall but I was so worried that we 'd oversleep , so my husband said he had an idea .
12 Envy between the sexes is so common that we could say it is inevitable — even natural .
13 Some are so close that we can see their bright blue eyes .
14 Finally , we are so close that we can see only the details of the actions : feet kicking balls , spades scooping up sand and so on .
15 Can I also say that the erm the fear expressed about Woolwich , I believe to be fairly well founded Woolwich building , a Woolwich er , Building Society had been on erm , entered into a long time ago on this erm and the letter that was read out at Potter Street area committee from Woolwich indicated that they had n't yet decided whether they would proceed and er I think is I 've talked to the publican since they have promised us an answer this week er we are intending , we have spoken , Dermot 's also spoken to our managing director we are confident we will have an answer from this week and I have to tell you that I think the answer will either no , or it will be so hazy that we 'll need to take some action and make a decision .
16 We travelled the length and breadth of the island , stopping to paint as often as we could persuade him to do so … which was n't always easy , as he was so keen that we should see everything .
17 The savings are so significant that we can pay a specialist mailing company to envelope , sort , bag and post the magazine for us ( this is a standard practice , very few organisations have sufficient staff to do this mammoth task , we certainly have n't ) .
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