Example sentences of "as if he had [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was n't as if he had asked for a fee , he had gone to the school for nothing , out of the goodness of his heart .
2 His head was buried in the sand , hands and feet spread out , as if he had fallen from a great height . ’
3 He made it seem as if he had gone to New Orleans drunk , got sober and wrote a book .
4 His face was unshaved and the hands , rigidly clamped together in his lap , were grubby , as if he had gone to bed unwashed .
5 He still looked as if he had escaped from a major car crash .
6 It was as if he had fainted in his sleep and the recovery from the faint made the level of sleep seem reality by comparison .
7 He all but bumped into the couple , but , just in time , he arrested his progress , drew back , seemed , for an instant , to seek for oxygen as if he had emerged from some physical deep of ocean , looked about him at the mundane world he had re-entered and then , with rapid dignity , collected himself .
8 He looked old and forlorn , in spite of the ferocious beard , as if he had hoped for something and been disappointed .
9 It was as if he had turned into a block of ice .
10 He felt as if he had walked for miles and knew that he had certainly had too much to drink .
11 My most abiding memory will not be of the joy of the French , but the terrible sight of Pete Sampras ' face at the prize giving ceremony which looked as if he had come into intimate contact with an atom bomb .
12 Then it was as if he had come to a decision . ’
13 Then one day , just as if he had come upon her accidentally , he had said , ‘ You play very well .
14 It was as if he had put on the quality of maleness like a flamboyant cloak .
15 It was as if he had returned to the pavilion to celebrate with lemon barley water after a half-century .
16 For a month or so it looked as if he had succeeded in defusing the time bomb , but soon Catholic leaders were arguing that nothing was really changing .
17 as if he had triggered off a signal the doorbell rang .
18 He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty .
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