Example sentences of "as a [noun] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , in [ 1 ] Mr Micawber 's paraphrase could be analysed as a change of tactics in accordance with the aim of optimising relevance:2 However , speakers and writers also reformulate utterances in planned discourses .
2 The language of the marketing echoes exactly that of any supermarket brand-name : ‘ our readers perceive us as a brand of books with a special flavour and image ’ .
3 Philip Chappell , celebrated as a champion of rights of the individual investor , has died of a brain tumour at the age of 63 : he was chairman of ICL Plc through the firm 's gathering financial crisis of 1980 and 1981 after the retirement of Tom Hudson and resignation of managing director Geoff Cross .
4 Also , the history of sculpture includes some account of the abortive plans for sculpture , just as the history of architecture is incomplete as a history of ideas without a knowledge of rejected proposals .
5 Each parameter is expressed as a range of results for each type of system , the bar across the range being the mean value .
6 To contribute to the development and codification of national and international cultural policies and practices as they bear upon historic and contemporary works of art … and To develop manifestos such as a Bill of Rights for a Work of Art ’ .
7 He eventually graduated as a bachelor of astrophysics at London University .
8 The Club had to decide , said Brower , whether to continue as a society of companions on the trail or take the position that ‘ the entire environment is the proper province of conservationists ’ .
9 In investigations of this type , it is unlikely to be acceptable for children to be subjected to endoscopy as a part of studies in which a parent is the index case .
10 Scholarly and erudite , a linguist as well as a student of archaeology , he earned a considerable reputation as a man of letters in the decade or so before his death .
11 One way to think of this is as a type of economies of joint production .
12 HT-29 cells were maintained as a monolayer of cells in Dulbecco 's modified Eagle 's medium ( DMEM , Flow Laboratories , High Wycombe , UK ) with 10% fetal calf serum , 100 U/ml penicillin , and 100 µg/ml streptomycin ( Serolabs , Crawley , UK ) .
13 Significantly , however , with the departure of the coordinator , and the subsequent formalisation of the committee as a board of studies under the head of the lower school , the librarian was left out and had to revert to resourcing and managing the library through individual negotiation .
14 The use of faeces as a sample can give false negative results as a variety of chemicals from the stool will prevent Taq polymerase from working and inhibit a PCR .
15 ‘ First I was pigeon-holed as a youth writer , then as a writer of comedies for adults .
16 This will become more evident if we go on to consider democracy in its larger sense as a state of affairs in which all citizens participate , and are encouraged to participate , as fully as possible in the organization and regulation of their whole social life .
17 I find in my files Bawden 's own account , written out in his finicky copperplate hand , of his own quasi-William Morris enterprise as a designer-manufacturer of wallpapers in the late 1930s : ‘ The desire to do wallpaper designs arose from seeing a furnished room hung with William Morris 's ‘ Daisy ’ at the Wembley International Exhibition .
18 Ontological existents as a sub-species of topics of discourse , it has been emphasised , are inseparable from identity , i.e. it must be possible in respect of any such existent to use the phrase " the same A " , with A being a descriptive expression of some sort .
19 Day-to-day work otherwise may consist of doing ordinary press and public relations work for your client as part of an industry , for example , as a manufacturer of components to the automobile industry .
20 Tom walks over to a pizza stall , looking as at home here as a row of tulips in the Gobi Desert .
21 In Daly v General Steam Navigation Co Ltd [ 1981 ] 1 WLR 120 the plaintiff housewife was awarded damages for the cost of future help as a measure of damages for her crippled arm even though she had no help up to trial and might have struggled on without it .
22 The price of wheat is frequently used as a measure of degrees of economic hardship by historians of this period ; not every family , it is true , was totally dependent upon wheaten bread , but the steep upward price curve which was to reach an undreamt-of high of 113s. 10d. per quarter of wheat in 1800 must be a fairly accurate barometer of the plight of the poor , especially in the 1790s .
23 Many bands saw ‘ Hatful Of Hollow ’ as a measure of possibilities within their grasp .
24 But George 's main contribution to the Palace was as a provider of chances from which our centre-forwards could score their goals .
25 ‘ People become Christians as a wave of decisions for Christ sweeps through the group mind , involving many individual decisions but being far more than merely their sum .
26 Adoption has decreased dramatically during 20 years as a reflection of changes in legislation and public attitudes .
27 The unequal distribution of such prestigious goods found in the cemeteries may be seen as a reflection of hierarchies in early Anglo-Saxon England and how the maintenance of such hierarchies was closely bound up with the consumption of such valuables .
28 Class 1 contributions are paid as a percentage of earnings between a ‘ lower ’ and an ‘ upper ’ limit ( currently £54 and £405 a week respectively ) .
29 Could you just on that remind us what the current , what the cover price is as a percentage of revenues in the F T ?
30 Site overheads may be included in the tender sum in various ways , for example in the preliminaries , in a balancing item and as a percentage of rates across some or all of the items .
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