Example sentences of "as a [adj] part [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Sharing with relatives after divorce So far I have concentrated upon two situations in which people may live with relatives , both of which probably would be regarded as a predictable part of the normal life cycle .
2 However where the restraint of trade doctrine applies , for example in contracts of employment , a confidentiality obligation will only be enforced if the information in question can fairly be regarded as a separate part of the employee 's stock of knowledge which a man of ordinary honesty and intelligence would recognise to be the property of his employer and not his own to do what he likes with .
3 A general principle in the employment field was laid down in Printers and Finishers Ltd v Holloway [ 1964 ] 3 All ER 731 where Cross J said that employees are prohibited from using information which " can fairly be regarded as a separate part of the employee 's stock of knowledge which a man of ordinary honesty and intelligence would recognise to be the property of his old employer and not his own to do as he likes with " .
4 Meals on Wheels are provided as a integral part of the Social Work Department 's Home Care Service .
5 SCOTVEC is taking an active role in discussions with other bodies , to ensure that general SVQs take their place as a recognised part of the vocational education and training system .
6 Thus what Strange calls sterling 's role as a ‘ negotiated ’ currency — a top currency on the slide , which has to be constantly defended — emerged enormously strengthened from the Attlee period , and this must be seen as a major part of the legacy of that government .
7 ‘ Industry should n't be seen as the problem but as a major part of the solution to environmental improvement , ’ he said .
8 The Young England Rugby Club has been in existence for two years but is now being relaunched as a major part of the RFU youth initiative with its own clear aims and ambitions .
9 Inspection has come in for much discussion today as a major part of the Bill .
10 Another 115 , serving wider research and technology requirements , are unaffected by these changes but have undergone reorganisation as a major part of the plan for the whole R & T function .
11 Although many sociologists see professionals as a distinctive part of the upper middle class , others have argued that they have much in common with managers .
12 So even the ‘ softer ’ position outlined above , that the unconscious layer of murderous wishes may not be instinctual in origin , has to accept these emotions and actions as a necessary part of the human situation , and an unavoidable aspect of it .
13 Each individual needs to understand and share the purposes , goals and values of the organization , and feel able to make a positive contribution as a worthwhile part of the whole " ( DES 1990a:8 ) .
14 We propose to carry that principle forward , both in communal discussions next year and as a key part of the British presidency in the second half of 1992 .
15 The use of econometrics as a regular part of the marketing function is growing fast and in exactly the way described above , that is , using it to measure the return on investment .
16 Thus , the MSc in Education is not only seen as a regular part of the national system of educational in-service education in Scotland , but it has a strong international appeal .
17 Although the work has medical and therapeutic origins , it has been developed as a regular part of the Medau method of physical education and is intended for people of any age who are in normal health .
18 Tutors regard entry into the competition as a serious part of the students ' general training and there is a growing trend to make it a set part of the final year 's curriculum .
19 Inherent in this willingness is the assumption that occasional failures will be experienced and will be accepted as a normal part of the learning process that accompanies change .
20 These regional ministries operate as a normal part of the Whitehall machine except that they are located in Scotland and Wales , and they have the normal right to membership of any Cabinet committees dealing with matters for which they take responsibility in their areas .
21 It was just seen as a normal part of the job then really .
22 Tackling truancy is being seen as a crucial part of the parental role in schooling , with responsibilities emerging as equal to parent rights in the Government 's approach to education .
23 But , even if we accept these directions as a legitimate part of the A text , what Faustus 's damnation consists of is not clear .
24 And finally , it is the ability to open the arms of memory to welcome them back as a valued part of the whole life experience , with which it is possible to live at peace , without pain , and with a sense of completeness at last ; and when this has been accomplished the bereaved are ready to embrace life again .
25 The other legitimate reason for panning is to relate one part of the scene to another , a situation which can arise as a natural part of the action in this day on the beach sequence .
26 Do you avoid the responsibility of countering sexist attitudes by viewing them as a natural part of the society 's framework which students expect you to reinforce ?
27 It is generally agreed that students/trainees are observed performing on many occasions over a period of time as a natural part of the learning process .
28 Dicey viewed the intrinsic connection between law and morality as a vital part of the rule of law .
29 In this respect , the family is regarded as a vital part of the social structure .
30 Indeed the franchise system can now be tailored to meet the needs of larger corporate organisations as well as the independent businessman — further positive proof of the fact that franchisees are regarded as a vital part of the company 's expansion ambitions in the UK .
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