Example sentences of "as a [noun sg] of [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 As a sign of respect for the Prince of the Parc , Toulon refused to draw the dressing rooms and invited Biarritz to use the facilities of the French team .
2 McHale points out that ‘ a character 's knowledge of his own fictionality often functions as a kind of master-trope for determinism — cultural , historical , psychological determinism , but especially the inevitability of death ’ ( 123 ) .
3 I 'll tell you what else you can do ; you can make half a dozen or so of those currant buns of yours and take them with you on Saturday as a kind of present for the lady . ’
4 ‘ Well , whereas the rest of the passengers were basically gearing up to tear my girlfriend and me to bits if we continued to go the way we were going — you get a kind of cabin fever on these flights between Australia and England — this Christian and his wife decided to adopt us , I guess as a kind of test for themselves .
5 It is the symbolic violence of the teenager on the terraces , which spills over into the odd affray with visiting gangs that is more typical than the premeditated violence of disturbed or habitually aggressive individuals , who see football as a kind of arena for serious assault with little risk of arrest .
6 The expression the frog 's boon was also used by the old horseman in another way that is worth recording : it was heard as a kind of metaphor for ‘ being in control ’ .
7 She was aware , too , that certain couples tend to acquire single men like Preston , or women for that matter , like pets , almost as a kind of catalyst for their own uneasy , brittle relationships .
8 All his early interests in music and the theatre , even his puppets ( if manipulating them is thought of as a kind of preparation for choreography ) came together in this new activity .
9 The Polytechnic enclosed a small square garden which the architect had seen as a kind of cloister for scholarly pacing .
10 Should we regard music as a kind of anaesthetic for weary executives so that we can opt out a warm bath of string sound ?
11 Consider it as a kind of insurance for the odd times when you are not losing weight quite as you should .
12 In fact St Andrew 's House will act as a kind of brokerage for grant applications .
13 He is believed to have acted as a kind of broker for that dangerous spy-ring that was broken up in Holland last year .
14 Thus the statement that That 's a dog entails That 's an animal can be viewed as a kind of shorthand for a pattern of normality like the following :
15 Gaby went to work in New York , Rose emigrated to Australia , taking Steve ( who had a spell in a Children 's Psychiatric Unit as a kind of punishment for killing Charley and who knew what else ) with her .
16 We can use 600 as a kind of benchmark for a game , and express all
17 We can use 600 as a kind of benchmark for a game , and express all scores as a percentage of this benchmark .
18 Our bodies use these fat cells and the connective tissue as a kind of storehouse for waste products and because these particular fat cells are metabolically less active than other cells in the body they make an ideal location for whatever toxic waste products the body would like to keep out of the way so that they do n't pollute the bloodstream .
19 It is widely used as a kind of yardstick for good practice .
20 Ken himself was called upon to act as a kind of bodyguard for Halliwell — which is only part of the near-farcical side of the relationship between the three of them .
21 Previously regarded as a champion of glasnost for the controversial 600 Sekund programme in which he frequently had investigated the Soviet criminal underworld and corrupt officials , he had become cast in the role of chief apologist for hardline government policies after broadcasts he had made justifying January 's military crackdown in the Baltic republics .
22 Passive resistance to the SLORC 's election campaign restrictions was demonstrated by the widespread wearing of the peasant bamboo hat , the election symbol of the NLD , while rice stalks , the symbol of the NUP , were worn around the ankles as a mark of disrespect for the military regime .
23 But they forget that flowers are sent not only as a mark of respect for the dead , but also as a gesture of sympathy to the living , suffering widow , to bring some of the hopeful beauty of nature to soften the bleakness of one of the saddest days of her life , and to show her how much the one she loved was also loved by others .
24 Can I now , er , ask congress to stand as a mark of respect for departed colleagues
25 She felt Parr coming , trying to be quiet about it as a mark of respect for her lack of interest , she guessed .
26 The flag at Wadham college was at half mast today as a mark of respect for the two men .
27 For instance this bit of woodland which we planted fifteen years ago — it 's becoming part of the countryside and in another generation will be here as a bit of habitat for wildlife — it 's of no monetary significance at all .
28 Yesterday 's ballot was widely seen as a test of strength for Mr Meciar , whose hand-picked candidate last month outpolled his opposition rival but failed to garner the required three fifths majority in the 150-seat house in two rounds of voting last month .
29 Each parameter is expressed as a range of results for each type of system , the bar across the range being the mean value .
30 To contribute to the development and codification of national and international cultural policies and practices as they bear upon historic and contemporary works of art … and To develop manifestos such as a Bill of Rights for a Work of Art ’ .
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