Example sentences of "as a [noun sg] [verb] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It came almost as a shock to realize that her night had been peaceful — there had been no dreams , no nightmares , and the bottle by her bed remained untouched .
2 It has come as a shock to realise that your magazine can no longer be relied on to present the relevant information in a straightforward factual manner .
3 Somehow she 'd been expecting resistance , something she had frequently encountered with Graham Rowell whenever she had attempted anything new , and it came as a shock to find that she and David Markham were on the same wavelength .
4 In her heart , Tallis had known that Scathach would not wait for her , but it still came as a shock to find that he had betrayed his word to her .
5 It is detracting nothing from his ability as a driver to say that his first championship , in I972 , he owed to a markedly superior car .
6 He sat shame-faced as a court heard that his career was in tatters because of the stag night brawl .
7 The focus on fragmentation as a problem suggested that it will be focused on in some detail .
8 Even overpraising does , at times , lead to tantrums as a child decides that your lavish praise means that you did n't expect much of him in the first place .
9 That as they 've been made redundant , as they 've been victimized for trade union activity possibly , we then as a union decide that they can not stand for office ?
10 Philippe , Duke of Orleans , brother to the future Louis XIV was raised as a girl to ensure that he would n't pose a threat to his elder sibling 's claim to the throne of France .
11 The onus is on writing as a medium to demonstrate that it is capable of forms of communication which are impossible in the oral media , and that it therefore still has a place in contemporary society .
12 It came as a surprise to learn that my pasture was so interesting to him , and I should be ashamed , being a countrywoman , of being so ignorant about the plant-life around here .
13 It may therefore come as a surprise to learn that there are some species which are not only not ‘ rock-dependent ’ , but are also relatively peaceful , even when breeding .
14 The palazzo looks so much like a 1950s cinema ( or is it a small-town railway station ? ) , with its curves and ornate super-structure , that it comes as a surprise to learn that it is seventeenth-century .
15 So it comes as a surprise to discover that there is one section of the department which does have regular problems of robbery and criminal damage — our Parking Section .
16 It seemed like home to Henry Schwartz , though it came as a surprise to find that he was not immediately accepted .
17 He needs a holiday — you both do — and I saw this as a way to ensure that you could get regular time off in the future . ’
18 The system acts as a discipline to ensure that you concentrate sufficiently on observation instead of being tempted to jump to conclusions .
19 it is your duty as a manager to ensure that your group understands your message by , if necessary , discussing the message until it is understood .
20 Kim 's years as a dissident meant that he remained unpopular with many of those DLP members who were associated with the old ruling DJP.Moreover , as the DLP 's executive chairman and the chief architect of the its March 1992 general election campaign , Kim was also extensively blamed for the party 's poor showing .
21 Please use it as a reminder to ensure that you keep up the good work and the resolutions you have started .
22 Well organised and technically proficient armed services can be used as a backstop to ensure that there is no internal unrest against the existing order of things .
23 I then was sent a letter telling me that I 'd passed this exam , I then had what 's known as a medical to check that I was okay , there was no , I had no faults or injuries or health problems .
24 In the case of net realizable value the tutor can use this as an opportunity to explain that there are costs associated with sale which will mean that this value is lower than the price paid for the tables and chairs .
25 Her prolonged treatment as an in-patient meant that she was nearly a year in Addenbrookes hospital , over a year in Hinchinbrook hospital and a further year at Hunstead Park rehabilitation and medical centre .
26 He brushed up my biochemistry , informing me that the long chain fences of fat molecules are antipodean in scale set beside the dry stone walls of mere proteins , and that he himself had it as an ambition to contrive that his entire body should be sheathed in one enormous fat molecule .
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