Example sentences of "as a [noun] [prep] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Adopting as a mark of defiance the name golani ( " tramps " ) , as Iliescu had disparagingly described them , they claimed that the NSF had " stolen " the revolution and had only won the May 20 general election by deceit and intimidation [ see pp. 37441-42 ] .
2 As a route into Europe the Danube valley has been a funnel for migrating peoples since before history .
3 Moreover as a history of realism the book is concerned with larger matters than the detailed description of style .
4 This distinction was developed in Rylands v. Fletcher into the rule that as a prerequisite to liability the defendant must have brought onto the land something ‘ which was not naturally there . ’
5 We shall not be mistaken in seeing that as a reference to God the Holy Spirit .
6 The pueblo was a moral , economic , and governmental unit : as a centre of government the larger municipalities could rule a surrounding area as large as a small English county .
7 Thus , provided as a question of fact the payment is made for unfair dismissal and not in circumstances where unfair dismissal is contrived , the Revenue confirms that the ‘ golden hand-shake ’ provisions will apply ( see the Law Society Gazette , 36 , p 42 ) .
8 T is awful I was taught as a child in catechism the labourer is worthy of his hire there are four sins that cry out to heaven for justice one of them is a oppressing the widow and orphan and the other is defrauding the labourer of his hire because the labourer is worthy of his hire that 's a sin that cries to heaven for justice , that 's what I was taught as a child .
9 On this rendering of alienation as a state of mind the most usual form of this would be as an attitude scale consisting of a series of statements judged to express alienative feelings , and to which subjects have to respond in terms of their agreement or disagreement .
10 As far as their usefulness as a measure of performance the conclusion that should be reached is that none is superior as we can only measure performance by comparison .
11 If it 's expressed as a percentage of patients the bar on the left side represents those sites who performed more than one hundred cases during the audit period .
12 The STEAM locomotive is about to make a comeback on railways in the US as a way to lesson the dependence of the national transport network on oil .
13 The pain of the individual 's sense of loss is so great that he withdraws from relating to any object he perceives as having authority as a way of masking the pain .
14 As a statement of aims the detailed recommendations of the section on ‘ minimising danger and nuisance from non-access vehicular traffic ’ are exemplary .
15 Without history as a form of mediation the differences return as the problem , and it was this which , according to Foucault , The Order of Things was really trying to address .
16 AR : Yes , it is the pineapple that Mr Monte , the plantation owner , brought as a gift for Inday the day that she died .
17 I do not see the theological basis on which we can go on saying that the human species is of such overwhelming and unique and colossal significance that it justifies as a matter of course the institutional exploitation of billions of other species .
18 While the physical interface , in one form or another , is supplied as a matter of course the user is still forced to communicate with the system by means of a very artificial language .
19 The twin city of Ankh-Morpork , foremost of all the cities bounding the Circle Sea , was as a matter of course the home of a large number of gangs , thieves ' guilds , syndicates and similar organisations .
20 In my judgment , as a matter of principle the colore officii cases are merely examples of a wider principle , viz. that where the parties are on an unequal footing so that money is paid by way of tax or other impost in pursuance of a demand by some public officer , these moneys are recoverable since the citizen is , in practice , unable to resist the payment save at the risk of breaking the law or exposing himself to penalties or other disadvantages .
21 As a matter of interpretation the only possible answer is that it can not .
22 For these reasons I conclude that as a matter of interpretation the powers of the Director do not cease , as regards the questioning of the person under investigation , when he is charged ; that the principle of common sense , expressed in the maxim generalia specialibus non derogant , entails that the general provisions of the Code yield to the particular provisions of the Act of 1987 in cases to which that Act applies ; and that neither history nor logic demands that any qualification of what Parliament has so clearly enacted ought to be implied .
23 The benefit which the taxpayers in this case received was the placing of their children in surplus places at the college , if as a matter of discretion the college agreed to do so .
24 ‘ In the light of the foregoing I would hold that as a matter of law the parental right to determine whether or not their minor child below the age of 16 will have medical treatment terminates if and when the child achieves a sufficient understanding and intelligence to enable him or her to understand fully what is proposed .
25 The question of remoteness of damage arises where causation in fact is established , but the court holds that as a matter of law the damage is too remote .
26 As a matter of history the case was retried later .
27 invites the Bar Council to support as a matter of urgency the need for the strengthening of the statutory remedies and sanctions in relation to racial discrimination and for the adoption of specific legislation to combat racial harassment ;
28 invites the Bar Council to consider as a matter of urgency the legal assistance it can provide to the families of the victims of racial murders ; and
29 As a matter of fact the man with the cleaver is one of the warders here .
30 In addition , the charge may be so all-embracing that it confers on the chargee as a matter of fact the exclusive right to supply the debtor company with credit .
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