Example sentences of "so i [vb past] [verb] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So I had to go and put Nick straight , tell him that he was n't even one of the band , just a mate who 'd come and play with us every now and then .
2 So I had to go and get a card and you know bits and pieces .
3 And that , and that keeps me going all week so I had to go and pick that up and of course we we went in , then we were late .
4 so I had to go and put a thread on and put it in , it in another place
5 So I got dressed and went to the corner shop to nick three Wormy bars , but Brett and Damon snuck up behind and they said they 'd tell if I did n't give them a bar each .
6 Unlike my father who was told to sit on a bean bag my cardiologist said , " Exercise , build up your strength , " and so I started jogging and disliked it intensely and stopped jogging .
7 So I decided to try and resolve it myself .
8 However , there was an entrance fee and I was beyond the stage of paying those so I decided to try and shelter somewhere else .
9 so I wanted to try and go for the C C Q , this is it , this is what we 're gon na ask you and of course it did n't work but I had to try it to see .
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