Example sentences of "so that he [verb] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is no special law allowing A , B , and C to meet together in the open air or elsewhere for a lawful purpose , but the right of A to go where he pleases so that he does not commit a trespass , and to say what he likes to B so that his talk is not libellous or seditious , the right of B to do the like , and the existence of the same rights of C , D , E , and F and so on ad infinitum , lead to the consequence that A , B , C , D and a thousand or ten thousand other persons , may ( as a general rule ) meet together in any place where otherwise they each have a right to be for a lawful purpose and in a lawful manner .
2 Time enough , perhaps , to break his health so that he does not long survive his freedom . ’
3 He may be taught to hold it with the crook of the handle turned away from him , and his thumb over the top of the handle , so that he does not grip the stick too hard .
4 The patient keeps his hands clasped together throughout the active parts of the transfer , so that he does not throw himself off balance by reaching out to grab the carer or the arm of the chair .
5 If the patient has to get dressed before he is able to dress independently , you have to dress him with care , so that he does not get involved in making any effort .
6 The more complex partner gives the simpler nature too much space , so that he does not know where he belongs .
7 The point of using a lift is to prevent the patient from making any effort at all , so that he does not increase his spasticity by trying to achieve movements he is not yet capable of making successfully .
8 If he wants to take up sports again , the patient must be guided by his physiotherapist , so that he does not attempt exercises which are too hard , which would inevitably increase his spasticity .
9 The patient who can not sit up may start by washing in bed , with the nurse guiding him , so that he does not risk over-balancing and falling .
10 100 ) , but Macedon was only a secondary theatre in the Decelean and Ionian Wars , so that he does not figure very much in the narratives of Thucydides or his continuator Xenophon .
11 His wife was lurking in the basement all the time Eleanor was there , so that he did not feel safe getting close .
12 The other horses clonked and snorted softly in the darkness behind their partitions , so that he did not feel at all alone , but in a sort of family .
13 For many years he was a Methodist Local Preacher , and always walked to his appointments anywhere in the Circuit , so that he did not cause anyone else to work on a Sunday .
14 Keith tried to snatch the pen away from her and she slapped his hand so that he did not jog her .
15 He placed an old towel on the bathroom floor so that it would not get wet and he ensured that everything he needed was within reach so that he did not have to move from the spot and so drip water everywhere .
16 Having been involved in such proceedings since the Twenties he was now in fact finding them " a bit tedious " , and " Mr Eliot 's list " was invented for a section of the agenda so that he did not have to attend the entire meeting .
17 His arms came around her and she pressed willingly into them , lifting her chin and stretching up on her toes so that he did not have to bend so far towards her .
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