Example sentences of "as [subord] [pers pn] be [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 It was as if we were locked in a torture chamber .
2 Her fingers felt as if they were encased in cool wax .
3 They sparkled less fierily than they do in England ; tranquilly , as if they were immersed in limpid oil .
4 There were times when Rose felt as if she were split in half — an interesting rather than a painful experience .
5 Why should she feel like this : as if she were engaged in something illegal ?
6 But now she felt cocooned in her own private shell of misery , as cut off from the noise and activity around her as if she were frozen in ice .
7 Suddenly she felt as if she was trapped in a terrifying maze , not knowing which way to turn .
8 A vast impenetrable openness which froze him to the spot where he was as if he was caught in ice .
9 He affirms once again his belief that " our period is one of decline " but then mutters his exequies in a curiously dispassionate manner , as if he were engaged in an intellectual exercise of no particular consequence .
10 At the very least , the exhibition provides food for thought : as the 21st century nears , do we really want architecture that looks as if it was built in the 18th ?
11 ‘ They write this stuff for office workers , ’ Carmichael complains , peering at the newsprint as if it was written in a foreign language .
12 But all at once her heart felt as if it was crushed in ice .
13 Looks as if it was designed in a multi-million pound research and development department ?
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