Example sentences of "go [prep] there [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I 'm going in there whether you come with me or whether you run away .
2 We put our cat in there cos she like going in there and we have some ta , we put seed and that down there .
3 You got ta start afresh to go above there and you want five thousand as well do n't you ?
4 Cos I goes in there , it goes in there and it comes out there . .
5 Now when you say right across , I mean you you 've ta seen the photos of , of er shell pitted ground with the nineteen fourteen eighteen war , well that 's how Bentley was then cos it had been rooted for coal and nineteen twenty six strike everybody got it all out cos there was a lot of top surface coal , course it was just left there was a lot of mole holes , stuff from the furnaces when they tip tipped the slag , it was up and down and there was Buttons Brook , was n't it Buttons Brook across there , called Buttons Brook there was a pool across there called Leg of Lamb but I mean it , it er you can imagine what I 'm trying to say , what the ground was like to go over in pitch black night , to go over there and we went out and course we was issued with er ammunition which was one of the o only times I can remember when we went really out prepared with live ammunition , and er we scouted and scouted till daybreak and we did n't find nothing .
6 All the servants in the Square knew one another ; and Nellie , the cook that worked with me , knew Lottie — Clive Bell 's cook ; she was very friendly with her ; and we used to go over there if they had any luncheons .
7 You go past there and you look in that front and people have been dumping bags of rubbish over there .
8 So the suit so the suit the briefcase rather , does have an effective purpose So let's say we have n't gone into there and we go into the study he sits there , where would you put yourself there ?
9 we went in there and we went in Saturday and it 's er one of them
10 there was this er butchers , and I went in there and I got some sausages , oh , er nobody said anything about these sausages I just thought well I 'd better take something back for Fred 's dinner so I went in and got these sausages , well they were the nicest sausages I 've ever tasted in my life
11 I was in front of Bev when I went in there and I said to her
12 I went in there and I thought something was burning .
13 So I went in there and I thought oh God , I mean I could , if you gave me , if I did a nice sketch and worked on it , if I spent a day a might
14 She said I just went in there and she said I could n't stand any more , she said do you know Joy she said you 're one of the nicest people I know , she said I tell you what I 've never heard in my life two people stab somebody like you 're being stabbed , she says I could n't sit there any more
15 He 's gone from there if you see what I mean . ’
16 They just go in there and they come out with it .
17 And you go in there and they give you dirty looks , you know .
18 You go in there and you do what you want to do .
19 They send you a Burton 's voucher to the value of whatever you 're looking for , be it ten quid or f and you go in there and you buy a suit you know and everybody 's happy .
20 If I do n't want anything I , I just go in there and I think well I 'll just go and see I may see something which catches my eye .
21 And I go in there and I have lov , I can be in there an hour !
22 You go in there if you want a duvet
23 You cut a fresh orange and lay it in there she would n't go in there cos they do n't like cats do n't like the smell of orange .
24 we had some carbonated drinks factory I said well they they asked me if I 'd go over there and I said I ca n't work in there I 'm allergic to oranges and he said oh bloody or I 've never seen an orange , do n't worry , you know it 's all chemicals !
25 me and Gareth wan na go over there and you know I 'll
26 They also provide us with , and my designers love this I mean they g go over there and they come back and they plaster these things all over , all over their design rooms and it looks like a Paris design house .
27 The tracks in America okay we go over there and we say they 're tight they 're quite difficult to ride .
28 Well the trouble is we go over there and we buy a good buy
29 saying to Leanne go over there and she goes and Leanne goes why ?
30 I went over there and I stepped into this guy 's shoes who had really a difficult fourth year class .
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