Example sentences of "go [prep] [noun sg] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He did come close to going on pension once at the age of 75 he sent off a perfunctory letter asking for retirement .
2 And some men at the top in little old Moscow are not sure how it is going to work out in the end .
3 I 've got to go into work tomorrow by the way .
4 A proposed Interior Department regulation , to go into effect shortly after the presidential election , effectively takes on board the recent court rulings , and provides for compensation payments to all coal owners affected .
5 Lambert who was leading on this occasion , ordered the formation to go into line astern for the attack .
6 The bodice-ripping production goes on tour tomorrow through the region .
7 Every single day of the year , a Menotti opera goes on stage somewhere in the world .
8 So the city 's worried public relations arm went into overdrive yesterday in the wake of Mr Thompson 's death .
9 The Newcastle-based steel fabricator and erector contracted to carry out the steelwork went into receivership early in the operation but fortunately Bone , Connel & Baxters of Motherwell was able to take over at short notice and , says Alan Muir , ‘ did a great job ’ .
10 ‘ I went into hospital immediately after the Mercer fight and had an operation , ’ Holmes said .
11 And Dalglish must have gone into shock again as the side who have so far swept all before them suddenly surrendered their 100 per cent home record .
12 When it was an old fashion open market and erm I went to work there on the fruit and vegetable stall .
13 Many of the new middle class girls ' schools sought to show that they took the problem of adolescent development seriously by appointing doctors to safeguard the welfare of their charges , and until well into the twentieth century pupils attending the Girls ' Public Day School Trust schools , the first of which opened in 1872 , went to school only in the mornings so that they should avoid strain and be allowed to be at home with their mothers in the afternoons .
14 No , , it 's just a but he was , you know , I was fairly slow , and then I went on , I followed erm , I ended up slightly , as well , erm , then I went to college up to the age of eighteen , erm , and as soon as I finished college he made me a department manager .
15 Self-confessed UVF man Robert Henry ( 24 ) , from Rathmore Drive , Rathcoole , went on trial yesterday for the murder of Peter McTasney ( 24 ) .
16 TWO SERB soldiers accused of war crimes went on trial yesterday in the first attempt by Bosnia 's Muslim authorities to bring alleged perpetrators of atrocities to justice .
17 Staff went on strike more for the survival of the IBOA than for monetary gain .
18 He makes his claim in the updated paperback version of Diana : Her True Story , which went on sale today in the United States .
19 He makes his claim in the updated paperback version of Diana : Her True Story , which went on sale yesterday in the United States .
20 The present writer has gone on record elsewhere with the view that most of the ‘ new ’ powers in the Single European Act represented treaty recognition of developments which had already taken place under general treaty powers , in particular Articles 100 and 235 , in areas such as environmental law .
21 Do tickets go on sale tomorrow before the Ipswich game ?
22 There are two options open to us : we can either mount a much more restricted display in the Library than originally hoped ( restricting ourselves to the two display cases in the Barrel Vault leading to the foot of the main staircase ) , or we can examine the possibility of creating a panel-mounted display which would go on show both in the Library and in other venues .
23 The difficulty was rationalised by describing the antecedent to the PB as being that Olwyn did not go to bed earlier in the evening .
24 And , I said , well we wo n't stay Gary cos co Tony 's got ta go to work early in the morning and er I wo n't drink and I 'll drive home .
25 It was another dull day , but , suitably attired , she later went by taxi up to the house .
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