Example sentences of "go [conj] [vb infin] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the second account , Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priests , and while they were on their way they discovered they were cured .
2 Jesus told the leper to go and show himself to the priest and make an offering for his healing .
3 The third reason why we 're , we 're pleased to see you here is that erm as a trades council , we 've and this er and Dick mentioned this in his introduction , we 've initiated a major international programme , major in terms of our size obviously as er as a local body , involving links between union activists here primarily in France er , in northern France , but also links now developing in Spain with the new ferry going between Portsmouth and Bilbao , we 're starting to meet with the unions in Spain who are interested in speaking about the , the , the differences in wages in terms and conditions working for the same ferry company , doing the same jobs in the port , a comparative look at how the , the wages terms and conditions differ and we want to , we want to go and visit them in the autumn and , and work out , and work on more links on a sector basis , so that our colleagues down in Bilbao in northern Spain can link up with people in the , in the , in similar sectors here and we 've done this over the last three and a half years with the unions in France , we 've had exchanges of all sectors , the public sectors , transport , erm , health , social services , shop workers .
4 Peter Nieswand used to go and interview him for the BBC , sitting as I did beside his swimming pool , looking across the lawn on to six miles of fine farm-land .
5 Some other employee has to go and fetch him in the morning
6 Not because I could n't have had a holiday only that er we had loads of milk so we had to go and fetch it from the farms and you got ta have somebody to take it out .
7 He 'd asked me to go and see him in the evening to continue the interview .
8 He held for Alice altogether a great fascination , but she steadfastly refused offers to go and see him in the nursery , and ignored him the few occasions he was on show .
9 I decided after all it would be better to go and see him in the shop like you said — ’
10 I think I ought to go and put them in the dryer a bit longer .
11 ‘ I 'll go and fix something for the kids ’ supper , ’ Leo offered .
12 Did he not go and shoot someone at the clay-pigeon shooting in Ardallt two months ago !
13 And I would like to buy two chairs for the favour room , you know chairs to sit on cos at the moment we have to always go and get them from the er cracker room .
14 er I 'll go and get it in the week
15 I was going to wash the pots I 'll go and smack him round the head
16 ‘ If there was a war , ’ said Camille , ‘ a real one , I mean with Germany — Brian could wear a uniform and Mum could go and kiss him on the station platform and cry a bit . ’
17 ‘ Why not go and see him in the proper way instead of lurking around by night ? ’
18 But er no , we were talking and she said if I give you the money you wo n't go and spend it on the
19 Why do n't you go and put it on the table love , over there .
20 Now you can go and put it in the bin .
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