Example sentences of "go [adv] say that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He goes on to say that the question is also : ‘ Where are we ( if anywhere at all ) ? ’
2 She goes on to say that the justices came to the view that the justice on the Friday had had no power to remand Mr. Bell in custody until the Monday , as the remand did not fall within the terms of section 7(5) of the Act of 1976 and that , accordingly , they no longer had any jurisdiction to hear the matter .
3 And , and also that , he then goes on to say that the revolution , it is n't , it 's not a re re final thing , it 's not an insurrection , er he says it 's not like writing an essay , you know all these er analogies , that I mean basically the revolution is an over , it needs force er and i it 's , it is a violent , y y you do n't , in order for the revolution to have been a success it , it needs to be
4 Microprocessor Report goes on to say that the clock-rate versus complexity tradeoff is one of the most important issues in superscalar design , but admits that straight clock-rate comparisons of parts is only partially fair because whilst it is true that ‘ a more complex design , such as used in SuperSparc and the 88110 , leaves less time for performance tuning the hardware , it is also the case that clock-rate was a major focus during the design of 21064 and 7100 chips . ’
5 Jesus goes on to say that the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken away .
6 This report goes on to say that the attacks each took place at about midnight and were twenty days apart .
7 Mentioning his education only in the most general terms , he goes on to say that the offices suitable for the likes of him appeared to be ( tedris , teaching ) and kada " here , the office of of which " one [ teaching ] is the intimate companion of poverty and need and the other [ kaza ] is unmitigated misfortune " .
8 The passage goes on to say that the Hart-Leap Well experience made William and Dorothy feel that their decision to settle at Grasmere was justified .
9 No well I do n't want anybody going round saying that the phones have been inundated in Norwich because we because we have n't circularised the number properly cos that 's our fault not anybody else 's
10 He went on to say that the Head characteristically had ‘ preconceived ideas ’ and was ‘ somewhat biased towards and against certain individuals ’ and that the reviews were not likely to affect the Head 's preconceptions very much .
11 There were astonished interjections from Harbury who had heard nothing of this before , but Shildon went on to say that the accusation stemmed from the sale of the lease on the top part of the Fleet Street building a few years earlier .
12 Lord Diplock went on to say that the principle applies even though there is reason to think that if Parliament had foreseen the situation before the court it would have modified the words it used .
13 Vaisey J went on to say that the employers had shown " the utmost carelessness in allowing this defendant to get knowledge of what they knew was a very valuable secret …
14 Maurice Withall went on to say that the situation is exacerbated by the government 's new rules on VAT bad debt relief .
15 Graham J found that such information was not readily available and went on to say that the information had been obtained as a result of considerable labour and expense on the part of the plaintiffs and was therefore valuable and , it followed , confidential .
16 However , he went on to say that the acceptance of the existence of Communist China did not mean that Taiwan had abandoned its " one-China policy " and that the country was prepared to wait for a positive response to its proposals for unification on the basis of liberal democratic policies .
17 He went on to say that the solutions are diversification , restraint , restructuring and strategic alliances .
18 He went on to say that the Met failed in this respect , and it is certainly the case that in the late Sixties some policemen would have taken the evidence with them , later , with a conjuror 's flourish , producing sackfuls of cannabis from behind the furniture with cries of ‘ Hullo John !
19 However , he went on to say that the CWS ’ remains wholly opposed to unrestricted Sunday trading and will continue to seek a sensible reform of the law on the basis of the REST proposals put forward by Keep Sunday Special Campaign . ’
20 Lord Reid went on to say that the reason that the court will not enforce a restraint which goes further than affording protection to the legitimate interests of a party is because too wide a restraint is against the public interest .
21 Adjudication would be undertaken by a panel of distinguished doctors and psychiatrists and , to the delight of the press , he went on to say that the finals would be screened worldwide .
22 He went on to say that the use of non-book resources was one aspect in which hoped-for developments had not taken place , and this is typical of the awareness that , despite general satisfaction with the project , there were limits to its success .
23 They go on to say that the notion of ‘ intrinsic intentionality ’ makes no more empirical sense than does the notion of position in absolute space .
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