Example sentences of "go [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Cept there 's more goin' on in the evenin 's with First Aid and the like . ’
2 At any one time , therefore , most of the many beliefs that constitute our knowledge of what goes on in the world are beliefs that we do n't know we have .
3 THE first thing to go on to the canvas was a sketch in grey wax crayon , which mixes happily with the oils , whereas graphite would turn to gritty soot .
4 Post-war interviews carried out by the United States Strategic Bombing Survey , confirmed such impressions : one out of three Germans indicated that his morale was affected by bombing more than any other single factor ; nine in ten of those interviewed mentioned bombing as the greatest hardship they had to suffer in the war ; three in five admitted to war-weariness on account of the bombing , and the percentage not wanting to go on with the war was significantly higher in heavily bombed than unbombed towns ; more than two-fifths said they lost hope in German victory when the raids did not stop ; and the percentage of people with confidence in the leadership was fourteen per cent lower in heavily bombed than in unbombed towns .
5 The advantage of this is that , given that you have got to exchange witness statements anyway , there is always a chance that your opponents may consider that the evidence is not crucial or controversial and allow the statement to go in without the witness being called .
6 Evidence that oathing was going on in the reserve was at first dismissed with the claim that the Masai involved were ‘ half-and-halfs ’ , that is , the offspring of a Masai father and a Kikuyu mother : the loyalty of the ‘ pure Masai ’ was thought to be beyond question .
7 Everyone has a different pain threshold but how much of that is due to what is going on in the mind is hard to say .
8 The sounds of what was going on in the box were being relayed out into the laboratory where Gedanken was , but nothing happening in the laboratory was getting through to the beetles in the box .
9 But going down to The Bay were n't no good for us .
10 Going down to the beach is one of PHIL ‘ DO N'T KICK SAND IN MY FACE ’ KING 's favourite pastimes .
11 ‘ Most of the trauma I was going through at the time is written into that film , ’ he admitted reflectively .
12 You 're not going straight after the reception are you dad ?
13 Can you co up again if you can co I 'm going back to The reason being that the approach to the business was one of quality and a large amount of hand-finishing , and , the leathers were aimed mainly at the , saddlery and leather goods trade and also only at the very top end of the shoe trade .
14 He had never forgotten the day in the bide shed when Nutty had told him the horses were going back to the knacker 's , and the fearful panic that had exploded inside him , worse than any brushes with the police or his father , worse than anything he could ever remember .
15 The story going around at the time was that he had ticked off the Lebanese bureau staff to the point where they sold him to Hezbollah for a bit of peace and quiet !
16 The road going forward from the junction is the A.887 , leading through Glen Moriston to the Great Glen .
17 To go out on the knocker was party activists ' jargon for canvassing , a thankless task usually carried out at night with the aid of a failing torch and a broken pencil .
18 Nothing that went on in the town was a secret for long .
19 The raw materials that go in at the top are iron ore , limestone and What else goes in there ?
20 The only reason Margaret went through with the pregnancy was because my father hoped I 'd be a boy .
21 That they went just past the half-thousand was mainly due to Sohail , but the neat little Asif Mujtaba beavered away for 57 , and at tea the score stood at 252 for 2 , Sohail having gone to his century , the first ever for Pakistan in a Manchester Test , with an ondriven three from his 127th ball .
22 Almost the first store that went up in the rioting was , predictably enough , that of Mrs Soon .
23 Unlike those of the Philistines his worst fears have been realized , and the cry he hears go up in the town is not for the ark 's arrival , but for its capture .
24 My only emotion as I went back into the box was cold rage .
25 do n't go out in the rain was another one !
26 ( That there were actual preliminary deme elections to determine which names went forward to the ballot is unlikely given that fourth-century Attic oratory , of which a great deal survives , is wholly silent about such elections — although the new Thorikos text , for instance ( p. 111 ) , shows that there were some elections at deme level . )
27 They warn that the Botswana could face a consumer boycott of its beef exports if the decision to go ahead with the fence is not dropped .
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