Example sentences of "what has been [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The probability is that in May or October ( still a toss-up between them ) Mrs Thatcher will offer more of the same , judging by what has been emerging from the dozen policy groups set up to produce ideas for the manifesto .
2 That is the update on the outside of the Lincoln Turbine Service building , so what has been happening on the inside ?
3 Does he agree that what they need is support and proper resources so that they can carry out their work , not what has been happening over the past 12 years — continual restructuring and reforms which do the service no good and break up the comprehensive national health service that we all know ?
4 The fact that my innocent inquiry had provoked such a defensive , almost hostile response got me thinking about what has been happening to the labour force since the mid-1970s .
5 Third To make the public aware of what has been happening to the badger .
6 Their models have been evolving as circumstances have changed and explain much of what has been happening at the level of the industry , but say little about the behaviour of individual firms .
7 This chapter begins by examining what has been happening outside the United Kingdom .
8 It then focuses more closely on what has been happening inside the UK and at the experiences of some of the schools which have already been financially autonomous .
9 I would be surprised if it was n't still possible to go through ten years of education with only the faintest idea of what has been happening in the world , even your own country .
10 Under Cause and Onset look at what has been happening in the preceding hours or days to the onset of the illness and consider the speed with which the illness came on and the order of events .
11 We 're not talking of a conversion of ten to fifteen thousand dwellings with erm new building being reduced considerably , we are talking something in the order of magnitude of what has been happening in the past .
12 Well certainly the starting point for that must be to look at what has been happening in the past as evidence .
13 Research begins on the materials needed for railway construction , with some children producing a broadsheet ( on computer ) reporting what has been happening in the town — which they " sell " in the next drama session .
14 He said to protesters : ‘ I think the Timex situation is an indication of what has been happening in the country over the last 10 to 15 years . ’
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