Example sentences of "as [noun] [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Among the leading figures of Republican Spain to conclude that sooner or later defeat was unavoidable were the President , Azaña , and Prieto ; in April 1938 the latter , following a Communist-orchestrated campaign , was ejected from his post as Defence Minister on grounds of ‘ defeatism ’ .
2 The final phase of your initial training takes you back to HMS Raleigh where you will learn things that only the Navy can teach you , such as field cookery in areas of natural disaster and practical experience of bulk cookery in our large galleys .
3 19 Lord The Lord Ordinary , having resumed consideration of the Petition No of process and proceedings together with the report by the Accountant of Court No of process , exoners and discharges the petitioner as curator bonis in terms of the prayer of the petition and decerns .
4 They may act as signal warning for developments in other fields .
5 In allergy the condition can be treated with a potency of the substance to which the patient is allergic , such as house dust in cases of house-dust-mite allergy , grass pollens in hay fever , chloroform in chloroform allergy ( as in the case of the technician described in Chapter 1 ) and so on .
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