Example sentences of "go through a [adj] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Having driven past in the usual manner , the driver then had to go through a second time in reverse so that the mourners on the other side could also take a look .
2 The hole-in-the-wall tie and scarf retailer is going through a sticky patch in its drive to adorn the world 's necks .
3 He felt that Emerson was going through a hard time in his own life , that he was confused , that he was having marital problems , that Brazil and his family were getting him down : in other words , that Emerson was under a lot of pressure .
4 Quite apart from the impending expansion and modernisation of our fleet , we had been going through a difficult period in the prevailing political climate at HQ .
5 This denial was particularly important , since at the time the Thatcher administration was going through a bad period in terms of popular opinion on issues such as unemployment , social services , and housing .
6 International representations in athletics came in abundance with Ainsley Bennett , Mike MacFarlane and Daley Thompson and football went through a veritable upsurge in the 1978–9 season with the likes of Viv Anderson , Laurie Cunningham , Cyrille Regis , Garry Thompson providing the vanguard of a train of black first-division players .
7 Ms Sultana told the judge that she believed that she would only be truly married when she went through a religious ceremony in a mosque according to her faith .
8 As we have already seen , the US dollar went through a bad patch in 1986 , in company with the oil market .
9 Chairman Alan Potts explained : ‘ The Club went through a bad period in the eighties but happily we resolved the problems . ’
10 Officers saw the car as it went through a red light in Chester Road , Birmingham , at about 3 am .
11 ‘ I had gone through a poor year in Test cricket and wanted to play in England to check out my technique .
12 She must have gone through a terrible period in her life ; looking back , she genuinely believed it to be worse than it really was .
13 Insiders say UBS fixed-interest staff have gone through a considerable shake-up in recent months and Ben Allen had been increasingly unhappy .
14 St Matthew 's School has gone through a difficult patch in the last few years .
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