Example sentences of "go to [pers pn] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So what was stopping him from going to her and telling her that she had no need to worry ?
2 It made him look boyish and oddly vulnerable , and for one crazy moment , she had to stifle an impulse to go to him and smooth it down .
3 He looked so alone that she wanted to go to him and offer him comfort .
4 I went to him and said I was sorry and held out my hand , but he would n't take it .
5 Marjorie went to him and took him on her lap .
6 He was on his feet , holding out his hand to Nick who went to him and took it trustingly .
7 Mrs Danby went to him and put her arms on him .
8 He went to her and took her arm , coaxing her gently , almost tenderly across , then stood there , one arm holding tightly about her slender waist , the other reaching up to hold the strap .
9 Janine went to her and kissed her on the cheek .
10 Lee went to her and folded her in his arms .
11 Evelyn went to her and put her arm around her shoulders .
12 He went to her and put his arm round her shoulders , dimly aware that he might have hurried her but still convinced that she longed for his comfort and protection .
13 ‘ But you must go to her and tell her you 're sorry . ’
14 ‘ You must go to her and offer her divorce terms , Yuan .
15 Whatever the risk , she must go to him and tell him to go back .
16 If I was you now I 'd go to him and give it to him , I tell you !
17 And the people who run the shop are runners themselves and you can sort of go to them and ask their advice on all sorts of things
18 so you can go to them and ask them for advice and they ca n't give it , because there 's not that link back to where you know
19 Each member of the class is asked to think quietly : " Listen to your own thoughts for a moment or two " then " If there is something you want to say to him , go to him and say it now . "
20 Give me the truth or I will slit your throat , then go to him and slit his too .
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