Example sentences of "what you [adv] [verb] [to-vb] is " in BNC.

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1 What you also need to do is an annual cashflow projection , which will show the periods when you are likely to have a lot of bills coming in and how long you are likely to have in between to put money aside for the tough months .
2 Every time you say that , what you really seem to mean is that there 's a hell of a lot wrong but you 're not prepared to discuss it . ’
3 So what you really need to do is to free it up .
4 No , no they just take your word for it and now I have got as I said , I 've got that , I 've got to paint that over and reseal and I 've got to make sure that nobody makes a mess in there , but the plumber said what you really need to do is to get rid of this cheap and tatty , horrible plastic tray which does n't come right to the edge of the tiles
5 What you really want to do is to get together through to there do n't you ?
6 What you really want to know is what men always want to know about women , namely would she , if asked , and if not , why not .
7 What you really want to know is how long you will have to play at being a lady .
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