Example sentences of "what i [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That 's what I mean with that Jean you probably wo n't need vitamins .
2 See what I mean about that skirt ?
3 And yo and your er see what I mean about this area up here , I mean it 's not a bad thingy .
4 So what I mean by controlled access is nobody comes on i within to this flat complex , without er the se the security team knowing .
5 And now perhaps you understand what I mean by Personal Management . ’
6 That 's what I mean by artificial jobs .
7 What I mean by these categories differs quite substantially from what other well-known anthropologists mean .
8 Because that 's really erm a part of what I mean by this criterion .
9 I have to say that I hope Mr in fact did n't actually write the words of the motion it looks to me and those members of the education committee will know what I mean like another version of the Docklands back garden fudge .
10 some celery what I got fresh , I cooked some of that cos that 's what I got from that bloke
11 What I deconstructed as distant birds dotted into a sullen sky by a brief wrist declining detail turned out to be — fly-shit .
12 What I remember of that night resembles the memory of a dream : limbs twined round my own , and a loud , throbbing pounding noise that is my heart drumming in my ears , and a huge mouth like a scarlet flower fastened on to my mouth and my neck and my ears , and hands coiling around me and an immense and powerful heat spreading all over my body .
13 In addition to discussing some delightfully way-out biological examples of iterated prisoner 's dilemmas , Axelrod and Hamilton gave what I regard as due recognition to the ESS approach .
14 What I done on that night was no more than any other police officer does or would do in the same situation .
15 ‘ Then he wanted to know what I thought of young Hilary , ’ said Tom .
16 In choosing between the goals towards which I spontaneously tend , I may find myself being excited more strongly by what I perceive here and now than by what I imagine from other viewpoints , so that for example a present amusement obliterates consciousness of a future danger .
17 I can do what I like on these pages , and nobody on earth can prevent me .
18 I do what I like with any zek .
19 Its television advertisements still portray a genuine Eskimo fisherman , who proudly declares : ‘ You know what I like about Eskimo Pie ?
20 What I like about old furniture is that all the pieces are favourites , ’ she says .
21 What I like about old furniture is that all the pieces are favourites
22 But that is what I like about this film .
23 Know what I like about this story ?
24 and I told you that from the minute he sat down and he started playing , I 'm a card shark , nobody tells me what I know about bloody cards
25 Well that 's what I said about bloody V A T for !
26 ‘ Remember what I said about this bed ?
27 The hon. Lady may not have heard what I said about Scottish Homes .
28 That 's what I said to that Ann , be able to get something on that somebody says that they have n't said it and be able to play it back to them .
29 Yeah , that 's what I said to these chaps .
30 What I said on that occasion was to confirm a policy agreed with the hon. Gentleman 's own party .
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