Example sentences of "what i have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What I have here described as the " normality " which human beings regularly attribute to what seems to them simple , intelligible , logically ordered , in contradistinction to the " abnormality " of disorderly unintelligibility , might , from a slightly different point of view , be seen as the opposition between the " rational " and the " emotional " .
2 At the moment , I am working on a novel and the kitchen table has on it only the ancient German electric typewriter which I use to type out the second draft of what I have already written by hand .
3 Both terms may be outmoded by now , but I think that in view of what I have already said about gender confusion and gender avoidance in my own case , they may not be entirely unhelpful .
4 ‘ I can only repeat what I have already said to other journalists , ’ he said and began to read .
5 ‘ I 'm going to do what I have n't done in five years : please myself .
6 from what I have n't thought of
7 But in those rare flashes when one can shed the present self and all it is in command of I realise that there were really only two occasions when I did personally feel the times on my pulse in such a way that I remember them , and not what I have since reconstructed of them .
8 I 'm surprised that such hedonistic , empty headed opinions should find a place in what I have always regarded as a serious , intelligent newspaper .
9 I know that I 'm being unfair to you and to Virginia , but what I feel for you — what I have always felt for you — has made a weakling of me . "
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