Example sentences of "there be [adv] [noun] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There are also rivers for which LAOs have not attempted to make agreements on the grounds that there are no problems or there is not sufficient demand , all very well until someone decides to apply the letter of the law as it presently stands .
2 But there are also attractions for them in ensuring that neither company links with Jaguar .
3 Gullit , of course , is injured and there are still fears for his playing career , never mind his appearing in Italy .
4 There are still drawings for which export licences have not yet been applied but will no doubt be stopped when they come up before the reviewing committee .
5 Despite couchettes , electrification , high-speed trains , restaurant cars , and the arrival of the car and aeroplane , there are still travellers for whom rail journeys hold a particular magic , and places in the world where a journey by rail is almost as adventurous as Gladys Aylward 's .
6 An historic sailing vessel 's making a return to the region 's waterways — but there 's only room for one on board .
7 I have faxed my protest to the board , there 's still time for them to change their mind .
8 ‘ But there 's still time for you to redeem yourself .
9 There 's definitely hope for me yet . ’
10 There is n't work for everybody , so people who work are mostly the lucky ones .
11 There is n't room for them in the Gaza Strip and West Bank .
12 But this book takes in many forest areas too and I suppose there is n't room for everything .
13 We understand from the Office of Fair Trading and the Consumer Credit Sub-Committee of the Institute of Trading Standards Administration that — although there is clearly opportunity for it within the close-knit personal relationship between the check trader and the customer — exploitation of customers seems very rare .
14 There is definitely room for him but the ball 's very much in his court . ’
15 He has changed his position and perhaps there is still time for him to cross the Floor before he leaves the House at the end of this Parliament .
16 The next intake is already planned for Autumn 1986 , but there is still time for anyone suitable and interested to be included .
17 If there is enough demand for our services in areas further afield , then we will attempt to meet it .
18 The remaining void shields were doing their best to bleed hostile energies away as heat , but there was n't time for it to radiate away .
19 There was n't room for her to stay in the flat with the three other girls so they decided that Katrine should stay in Piazza Pitti in Debbie 's flat .
20 Well perhaps there was n't room for her sit in the back !
21 And that building there , the one with the green roof , that 's Ebenezer Chapel where we used to have lessons some mornings because there was n't room for us all in the school .
22 Yes , there was probably room for us all .
23 There was scarcely room for one inside the cubicle , let alone two .
24 When I visited Aunt Louise there was just time for us to have a meal in one of the High Street cafés before I caught the bus home .
25 You had to sit up straight and there was barely room for your knees .
26 Though to be honest , there was hardly room for her leg in there .
27 Time was now important to him : it had been a lazy year and , as he had told Levy , there was still work for him to do .
28 There was still food for them to eat and Mrs Rundle was still there .
29 There was only room for one at the top and he was it .
30 Needless to say there was only room for one .
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