Example sentences of "there [was/were] [adv] [adj] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was remarkably little to do in the hospital if you did n't want to read Agatha Christie or knit half-mile scarves .
2 There was about six to start with .
3 He slept little — two , three hours at most a night — but just now there was too much to do to even think of sleep .
4 There was too much to explain to her , and nothing he could say .
5 There was too much to explain at one time .
6 But then , at its best , NME never recognised the artificial divisions placed between journo and muso by an ego-pampering music business ; besides , there was too much to forgive of a paper that included the impassioned writing of Ian MacDonald , Charles Shaar Murray and Nick Kent , to name just three from one of several fertile periods .
7 There was too much to think about , both past and future .
8 There was still much to play for .
9 Mum always made a long list of groceries she needed but some days she bought even more things because there was so much to choose from .
10 At first it had not mattered that the rain prevented him from going outdoors ; there was so much to talk about between himself and Uncle Walter ; they had not seen each other for twelve years .
11 It was such a lovely day , and there was so much to do on the complex , but Shelley could n't summon the enthusiasm to leave the villa .
12 There was so much to do with the six pools , giant flumes , waterfalls , fountains and lots more .
13 The days were getting shorter and colder , and with Christmas approaching there was so much to do in the kitchen Sarah rarely had a spare minute .
14 There was so much to sniff at and they had already found two rabbits and had aroused a flock of partridges .
15 She licked her lips nervously and tried to simulate deep interest in the scenery outside , which was difficult , since there was very little to see in the rapidly failing light .
16 Orange was a typical Provençal town , with streets lined with plane trees and houses with red and green shutters ; the bars and restaurants were empty save for the Legion , and there was very little to do except spend money .
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